ESG's Are the Reason for Woke Corporate Interests | Summary and Q&A

July 6, 2021
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ESG's Are the Reason for Woke Corporate Interests


The pharmaceutical industry and advertising have significant influence over media content, including criticism of vaccines. Corporate control is driven by the money and advertising that flows through everything, including social media platforms. The rise of ESG ratings and woke culture is used as a control mechanism by corporations to shape public perception and improve shareholder value.

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Key Insights

  • ✊ The pharmaceutical industry's advertising power limits criticism of vaccines in the media.
  • 🖐️ Advertising plays a significant role in shaping media content to align with advertiser interests.
  • 🎮 ESG ratings and woke culture are used as control mechanisms by corporations to shape public perception and improve shareholder value.
  • 👥 Social media platforms operate based on advertising revenue and can be influenced by organized groups.
  • 🥺 Woke culture and ESG ratings create pressure on corporations to align with certain values, leading to performative actions.
  • 🤑 The control exerted by corporations is driven by the money and advertising that flows through everything.
  • 💯 It is important to differentiate between the true values of companies and the actions they take to improve their ESG scores.


the jurogan experience what you don't hear only on tucker carlson i don't know how that happened is anyone criticizing the pharmaceutical industry the number one advertiser in all media is pharmaceutical industry you will not see so it's you it's cnn can't criticize the vaccines because then they're advertising yeah they get calls it's built on adv... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the power of advertising influence media content?

Advertising, particularly from the pharmaceutical industry, plays a significant role in limiting criticism of vaccines and shaping media content to align with advertiser interests. Media organizations fear losing advertising revenue and, therefore, do not want to risk damaging relationships with advertisers.

Q: What are ESG ratings and how do they affect corporations?

ESG stands for environmental, social, and corporate governance. It is a rating system used by investors to determine the sustainability and ethical impact of companies. Corporations often follow woke culture and engage in performative actions to improve their ESG scores, which can attract investors and increase shareholder value.

Q: How does corporate control extend to social media platforms?

Social media platforms, such as Twitter and YouTube, also operate based on advertising revenue. Advertiser relationships can be leveraged by organized groups to influence which content gets canceled or discredited. This control is similar to that seen in traditional media.

Q: How does woke culture and ESG ratings impact corporate decision-making?

Woke culture and ESG ratings create a pressure on corporations to align with certain social and environmental values. This can lead to companies engaging in performative actions, such as supporting Pride Month, to boost their ESG scores and maintain investor interest. However, it is important to note that these actions may not always align with the company's true values.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The pharmaceutical industry's advertising power limits criticism of vaccines in the media.

  • Groups like Sleeping Giants and Media Matters organize to discredit and cancel individuals who do not align with advertiser interests.

  • ESG ratings and woke culture are used by corporations to control public perception, increase shareholder value, and gain investor interest.

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