Graham Hancock on Archaeological Mysteries in the Amazon | Summary and Q&A

October 25, 2023
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Graham Hancock on Archaeological Mysteries in the Amazon


Geoglyphs found in the Amazon rainforest indicate the presence of an ancient civilization with advanced scientific knowledge.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 The Amazon rainforest is largely unexplored, and the discovery of geoglyphs opens up possibilities for understanding ancient civilizations in the region.
  • 🔬 The geoglyphs demonstrate advanced scientific knowledge and organized labor, challenging assumptions about the capabilities of ancient societies.
  • ❓ Indigenous knowledge and folklore provide valuable insights into the purpose and significance of the geoglyphs.
  • 🌲 The preservation of wood structures in the Amazon is challenging, making it difficult to determine if they existed in ancient civilizations.
  • 📺 The presence of geometric patterns in the geoglyphs parallels the visions experienced during altered states of consciousness induced by substances like ayahuasca.
  • 😒 Similar patterns have been found in rock paintings in the Colombian Amazon, dating back more than 12,000 years, potentially indicating the use of visionary substances during that time.
  • 🥰 The depiction of constellations in ancient cave art worldwide challenges the narrative that Greeks or Mesopotamians invented the constellations.


The jogan Experience so I what I see in the Amazon is traces of a lost science a scientific uh a scientific mindset can I can I show some pictures of these gphs please we have to hook up the magical HDM HDMI um and uh I'll just show I'll just show a few slides of them um I forget which side the HDMI is in I think it's in that side careful with the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the geoglyphs found in the Amazon rainforest?

Geoglyphs are large-scale earthworks in geometric patterns, discovered recently through aerial surveys. They include circles, squares, and other shapes.

Q: Why has there been limited archaeological exploration in the Amazon?

The vast size of the rainforest, limited funding, and the difficulty of accessing remote regions have hindered extensive archaeological exploration.

Q: What is the purpose of the geoglyphs according to indigenous people?

Indigenous people believe the geoglyphs were used for shamanic journeying and communal gatherings. Different areas of the geoglyphs may have been designated for specific purposes.

Q: What does the presence of geoglyphs suggest about the ancient civilization in the Amazon?

The existence of these complex earthworks indicates an advanced scientific mindset and organized labor. The alignment of the geoglyphs with true astronomical north suggests the presence of astronomers within the civilization.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Amazon rainforest covers 6.7 million square kilometers, with only a fraction having been archaeologically explored.

  • Recent funding has allowed for the discovery of geoglyphs in the state of Acre, Brazil, indicating a lost civilization.

  • Indigenous knowledge suggests the geoglyphs were used for shamanic purposes and ceremonial gatherings.

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