Joe Rogan Experience #1512 - Ben Shapiro | Summary and Q&A

July 22, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1512 - Ben Shapiro

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In this video, Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan discuss various topics, including Ben's fitness journey, running, kosher meat, the decline of society, homelessness in LA, the impact of COVID-19, racism, and the 1619 project. They also touch on the importance of personal agency and making positive choices.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Ben Shapiro get healthier during COVID-19?

Ben shares that he wanted to get healthier because he was eating out too much. When COVID-19 hit and he was forced to stay at home, he learned how to use the barbecue and started cooking healthier meals. He also began running to stay active.

Q: Is running away from his children a motivation for Ben's fitness journey?

Ben jokingly mentions that running away from his children for four months straight contributed to his fitness journey. He explains that he started running to get some alone time outside and found it to be a good form of exercise.

Q: What is the logic behind kosher meat requiring the animal's throat to be sliced?

The logic behind slicing the animal's throat in kosher meat preparation relates to the idea of humane killing. While Ben acknowledges that he doesn't know if it is the most humane way, the tradition suggests that a sharp knife going through the throat quickly and painlessly is preferable. Additionally, removing the blood is also important in Jewish dietary laws.

Q: Can Ben Shapiro go to non-kosher restaurants?

Ben explains that as someone who strictly observes kosher dietary laws, he mostly eats at kosher restaurants. However, he acknowledges that there are still many good kosher restaurants available and that it is not a big sacrifice for him.

Q: What caused the decline in LA and the increase in homelessness?

According to Ben, the decline of LA and the increase in homelessness can be attributed to various factors. He mentions that it started with a series of lawsuits that prevented the police from moving people's belongings on sidewalks or arresting them for loitering. Additionally, there was an equity movement suggesting that homelessness should be equally spread across all areas, including more suburban regions. This, combined with other breaking points, contributed to the rapid decline of the city.

Q: How did COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests affect society?

Joe and Ben discuss how COVID-19 initially brought people together, emphasizing the importance of family and unity. However, they both note that after a few weeks, people's fear and frustration led to increased hostility and division. Similarly, when the George Floyd protests began, there was hope for unity and addressing racial issues. However, the protests quickly turned into riots, with looting and destruction becoming the focus instead of productive discussions about police reform.

Q: What are Ben Shapiro's thoughts on the 1619 project?

Ben criticizes the 1619 project, stating that it redefines the concept of racism. He explains that it labels any societal structure resulting in racial inequality as racist, even if it benefits a particular group. Ben argues that the project fails to recognize the progress made since the founding of America and the ongoing efforts to fulfill the promises of the Declaration of Independence. He believes it is essential to acknowledge history's impact while still promoting personal agency and making positive choices to overcome challenges.


This conversation highlights the importance of personal agency and making positive choices to overcome challenges. Ben Shapiro emphasizes the significance of individual decisions in breaking the cycle of poverty, crime, and other societal problems. While acknowledging the influence of history and systemic factors, he argues that personal agency and teaching children about better options are crucial for breaking the cycle and creating a brighter future. The discussion also sheds light on societal issues, such as homelessness, the decline of cities, and the impact of COVID-19 and protests. The 1619 project is critiqued for its redefinition of racism, which, according to Ben, fails to recognize progress and disregards personal responsibility. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of societal issues and the importance of finding a balanced perspective.

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