Psychologist Describes the ADD Mind State | Summary and Q&A

October 21, 2021
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Psychologist Describes the ADD Mind State

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In this video, the topic of attention and its different systems is discussed. The three main systems of attention are described as the flashlight, the floodlight, and executive control. The flashlight system refers to directing attention to specific external or internal stimuli, while the floodlight system is more receptive and open to all incoming information. Executive control acts as the manager, sub-sampling reality based on goals. The video also explores how attention can vary in individuals and how it relates to conditions like ADHD. The idea of meta awareness and the value of mindfulness training in improving attention and focus is also touched upon.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the three main systems of attention?

The three main systems of attention are the flashlight, the floodlight, and executive control. The flashlight system refers to directing attention to specific stimuli, whether external or internal. The floodlight system is receptive and open to all incoming information without privileging any specific content. Executive control acts as the manager, sub-sampling reality based on goals.

Q: How does the flashlight system work?

The flashlight system of attention allows us to focus on specific stimuli by directing our attention towards them. It is like a flashlight that illuminates certain contents, making them more privileged than others. When we focus on something, such as a person's face or voice, the sensory input related to that content is enhanced and amplified in our brain. This system of attention helps us enhance our comprehension and perception of the selected content.

Q: How does the floodlight system differ from the flashlight system?

Unlike the flashlight system, the floodlight system of attention is broad and receptive, allowing all incoming information to come up without privileging any specific content. It is like a floodlight that spreads its beam wide, making us aware of what's important in the present moment. This system helps us stay alert and be ready for any unexpected or significant events, similar to how we pay attention to a flashing yellow light while driving.

Q: What is executive control in the context of attention?

Executive control refers to the system of attention that acts as the manager, sub-sampling reality based on our goals. It helps us prioritize and select information that is most relevant to our current goals, guiding our perception and actions. This system maintains our goals in working memory, inhibits irrelevant information, and updates new information or shifts our focus when needed. It plays a crucial role in coordinating and integrating the flashlight and floodlight systems.

Q: How do individuals vary in their attention systems?

People can differ in their set points of all three attention systems. Some individuals may have dysregulated flashlight systems, leading to either hyper-focus or hyper-vigilance. Others may have dysregulated floodlight systems, resulting in a broad, anxiety-provoking level of present moment awareness. Problems with the executive control system can lead to difficulties in coordinating and maintaining attention on specific goals. Additionally, some individuals may vary in their coordination between these systems, causing further challenges in attention.

Q: How does meta awareness relate to attention?

Meta awareness, also known as the floodlight of attention, refers to having awareness of the current contents and processes of our mind in the present moment. It allows us to check in and observe where our mind is and whether it aligns with our desired focus or goals. It helps us identify when our mind wanders or when we are off-track, allowing us to redirect our attention accordingly. Meta awareness is crucial in cultivating better attention and utilizing the different attention systems effectively.

Q: Do people with ADHD have good meta awareness?

Interestingly, individuals with ADHD often have good meta awareness despite their attention difficulties. They may experience a lot of mind-wandering and off-task thoughts, but their meta awareness allows them to be aware of their current mental contents. This awareness helps them navigate their lives to a certain extent and perform normal activities. However, their attention set points on all three systems may create challenges and negatively impact their lives.

Q: Is medication the best approach for individuals with attention difficulties?

The use of medication for attention difficulties, such as ADHD, is a valid approach and can provide some individuals with a raw power to focus. However, medication alone may not be sufficient or optimal. Training individuals in how to focus and improve their attention through practices like mindfulness training can be an alternative or complementary approach. Mindfulness training can help develop meta awareness and a broader receptive stance towards unfolding experiences, enhancing overall attention and focus.

Q: What are the benefits of mindfulness training in relation to attention?

Mindfulness training can provide several benefits in relation to attention. It helps individuals cultivate meta awareness, allowing them to check in with their mind's current contents. This awareness enables them to redirect their attention if it is off-track or undesired. Mindfulness training also fosters a broader receptive stance towards unfolding experiences, which can enhance the functioning of the executive control system. Overall, it improves attention, focus, and the ability to utilize the different attention systems effectively.

Q: Have there been any studies on mindfulness training for individuals with attention difficulties?

Yes, there have been studies on mindfulness training for individuals with attention difficulties, particularly adults with ADHD. One study involved recruiting adults with ADHD and instructing them to continue their regular medication while participating in an eight-week mindfulness training program. The program gradually increased the duration and type of mindfulness practices, focusing on the active application of attention. The results showed improvements in objective metrics, such as less mind-wandering, but more importantly, the participants reported increased meta awareness and a better understanding of their mind's state. They found it easier to use their time effectively and redirect their attention based on their goals.


Understanding the different systems of attention (flashlight, floodlight, and executive control) can provide insights into how attention functions and varies in individuals. The coordination and regulation of these systems play a crucial role in attention difficulties like ADHD. Mindfulness training, which helps cultivate meta awareness and a broader receptive stance towards unfolding experiences, can be beneficial for improving attention, focus, and overall attention functioning. Combining medication with mindfulness training may provide a more comprehensive approach to addressing attention difficulties rather than relying solely on medication.

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