Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock on Lost Technology and the Great Pyramids | Summary and Q&A

November 10, 2022
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Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock on Lost Technology and the Great Pyramids


Exploring lost ancient technologies and their potential rediscovery in modern times.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿคจ Granite blocks in ancient structures raise questions about how they were moved and lifted to great heights.
  • ๐Ÿซค Catastrophic events 12,800 years ago may have triggered the loss of advanced technologies from human memory.
  • ๐Ÿคข Rapid sea level rise could have destroyed evidence of past civilizations that archaeologists struggle to locate.
  • โ“ Rediscovery of ancient technologies involving resonance frequencies, geometry, and plasmoids is underway.
  • โ“ The suppression of alternative technologies by governments and corporations indicates a threat to existing technological paths.
  • โœŠ Nuclear power as a past example highlights how new technologies can drastically alter civilization's course.
  • ๐Ÿ–ค Lack of maturity in managing advanced technologies like nuclear power poses risks to humanity.


The Joe Rogan Experience now the Great Pyramid of Jesus is probably the most stunning of all these ancient structures and the the stones are immense and some of them were cut from a quarry that's hundreds of miles away how do you think they did that well some of them the granite in the Great Pyramid comes from more than 500 miles to the South um if... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How were the massive granite blocks in the Great Pyramid lifted to such heights?

The method of lifting stones above 350 feet remains a mystery, suggesting a lost technology possibly involving sound manipulation or resonance frequencies.

Q: What impact did rapid sea level rise have on ancient coastal civilizations?

Rapid sea level rise obliterated artifacts and evidence of civilizations, making it challenging to recognize their existence amidst geological changes.

Q: Why is there a lack of evidence for advanced ancient technologies?

The severity of catastrophic events possibly erased traces of advanced technologies, leading to the misconception of past civilizations.

Q: How are modern researchers rediscovering ancient technologies?

Researchers are developing technologies based on geometry, resonance frequencies, and plasmoids for energy generation, potentially rediscovering lost ancient technological principles.


In this video, Joe Rogan and his guest, Randall Carlson, discuss ancient structures, lost technologies, and the suppression of certain technological advancements. They delve into the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza and question how ancient civilizations were able to cut and transport massive stones. They also explore the idea that a lost civilization had advanced technologies that were different from our modern ones. Carlson mentions ongoing research and development of alternative technologies based on implosion and resonance frequencies. They touch on the suppression of Nikola Tesla's work and the potential motivations behind it, including military applications and the resistance to changing the current technological path.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did ancient civilizations cut and transport massive stones for structures like the Great Pyramid of Giza?

Some of the stones used in the Great Pyramid, such as the granite blocks in the King's Chamber, were cut from quarries as far as 500 miles away. Egyptologists speculate that wet sand was used as a lubricant to move heavy blocks, but this method wouldn't have been feasible for lifting blocks 350 feet above the ground. The question of how they did it remains unanswered, suggesting the existence of a lost technology.

Q: Why is it difficult to find artifacts and evidence of ancient civilizations?

The severe cataclysmic events, like sea level rise, resulted in the total remodeling of the Earth's surface. Anything existing in flooded coastlines would have been obliterated over time. Archaeologists and prehistorians often overlook the severity of these events when searching for evidence of past civilizations. Additionally, certain artifacts or materials may have been incorporated into geological strata, making it challenging to identify them as human-made. Furthermore, the limited perspective of modern technology may prevent researchers from recognizing alternative forms of ancient technologies.

Q: What kind of technologies could be part of a lost civilization's advancements?

There is evidence suggesting that a whole different path of technology was possible in the past. Modern researchers, working in secrecy, are exploring these alternative technologies. Nikola Tesla's suppressed work, which focused on implosion and resonance frequencies, serves as inspiration for these developments. Additionally, the work of Victor Schauberger on water and geometry is influencing the creation of prototypes. These inventions aim to utilize vibrational frequencies and ancient numbers to control matter and energy. While the specifics are not fully discussed in the video, it alludes to a rediscovery of a less-known technology from a lost civilization.

Q: How can sound be used to manipulate matter and potentially lift heavy stones?

Ancient Egyptian traditions mention priests chanting during the lifting of huge blocks into the air. While this idea may seem absurd to archaeologists, sound's ability to manipulate matter is well-established. The possibility exists that these ancient priests were using sound in a way that modern science has not fully understood. This further supports the notion of a lost technology that utilized alternative forms of manipulation and control.

Q: What are the motivations behind suppressing technological advancements?

The motivations for suppressing certain technologies can vary. In the case of Nikola Tesla, the fear of military applications played a significant role in suppressing his work. Additionally, large corporations invested in existing technologies may view alternative paths of development as threats to their interests. Therefore, suppression or acquisition of new technologies helps maintain the status quo. Political leaders, who often lack the necessary maturity to handle profound technologies such as nuclear power, can also contribute to the suppression of advancements.


This video highlights the mysteries surrounding ancient structures and suggests the existence of a lost civilization with advanced technologies. The incredible achievements of modern humans in just a few hundred years are contrasted with the potential of a completely different technological path taken by an ancient civilization. The discussion touches on ongoing research and development of alternative technologies based on implosion and resonance frequencies, inspired by the ideas of Nikola Tesla and others. The suppression of certain technological advancements is brought into question, citing motives such as military applications and the desire to maintain the current technological trajectory. The video serves as a reminder that our civilization might not yet be mature enough to responsibly handle highly advanced technologies.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the ancient structures, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the massive granite blocks used in their construction.

  • Insights shared about the potential of a lost technology from an ancient apocalypse 12,800 years ago erasing human memory.

  • Exploration of rapid sea level rise impacting artifacts and evidence of past civilizations.

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