Travis Walton Tells His Story of Alien Abduction | Summary and Q&A

January 19, 2021
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Travis Walton Tells His Story of Alien Abduction


A man recounts his encounter with a disc-shaped craft emitting a strange glow in the woods, sharing details of the sighting and its aftermath.

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Key Insights

  • 🥏 The encounter with the disc-shaped craft had a profound impact on the narrator, who still finds it unforgettable and surreal.
  • 🪛 The sighting was not exclusive to the narrator and his crew, as other individuals in the area reported similar experiences.
  • 🏛️ The craft had a distinct glow and metallic appearance, resembling a classic disc-shaped UFO.
  • 💋 Other paranormal sightings, such as a glowing sphere and a tic-tac-shaped craft, were reported by the narrator and his brother in the same location.
  • ✋ The high frequency of lightning strikes in the area raises questions about the craft's possible interest in a unique crystal known as folky right.
  • 💋 The narrator's brother's initial skepticism was later convinced after his own sighting of a tic-tac-shaped craft.
  • 🍃 The encounter left a lasting impression on the narrator, who tries to avoid reliving the memory but acknowledges its undeniable impact.


the jurogan experience let's take it back to the day that this happened you're you're 22 you're logging you're you're in the woods tell me what happened well uh it's just uh you know when you're done working the hard physical labor everybody's kind of jacked up and there was a whole lot of chatter in the car we're just talking away you know it's st... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What did the disc-shaped craft in the clearing look like?

The craft had a classic disc-shaped design, with a metallic appearance and a golden, soft glow throughout most of its surface.

Q: Did the narrator have any other paranormal experiences after this encounter?

Yes, the narrator mentions seeing a glowing sphere, giant black triangle, and other unidentified craft, including a ball of light that couldn't be directly observed with the human eye.

Q: Why did the narrator's brother initially doubt their account?

The narrator's brother doubted their story until he witnessed his own sighting of a tic-tac-shaped craft in the same area.

Q: What could be the reason for the high frequency of lightning strikes in that area?

The narrator speculates that the craft might have been interested in a unique crystal called folky right, which is formed when lightning strikes the earth with intense voltage and temperature.


In this video, the guest recounts his experience of encountering a UFO while working in the woods. He describes seeing a strange glow through the trees which eventually led him to a clearing where he witnessed a mind-blowing disc-shaped craft. He shares details about the craft's appearance, the movement it made, and the sound it produced. He also discusses his personal belief in the existence of various types of UFOs based on his own experiences. The guest speculates about the purpose of the UFO's presence in an area with a high frequency of lightning strikes, suggesting they might have been searching for a unique crystal formed by the energy of lightning. The video also briefly mentions the concept of "folky right," a crystal formation caused by lightning strikes.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you describe the moment when you first saw the glow in the woods?

The guest explains that after a day of physical labor, he noticed a strange glow coming through the trees as they were driving on a dirt road. He initially thought it might be hunters camping or a tent with light shining into it. However, as they reached the clearing, the glow became mind-blowing, unlike anything he had seen before.

Q: Did anyone else in the crew notice the strange glow?

Yes, the other guys in the crew also saw the glow, but their reaction was one of idle curiosity rather than shock or fear. The guest mentions that there were other people in the area who saw the glow too, including hunters and fishermen near Black Canyon Lake.

Q: Can you explain what the people who saw the craft described?

According to the guest, the individuals who saw the craft described a glow rising up and streaking off towards the northeast. He mentions that there were even some eyewitnesses who worked in military intelligence and were certain about what they saw. He believes that there were more official investigations into the incident that were not publicly discussed.

Q: What did your brother initially think about your encounter with the UFO?

The guest's oldest brother initially did not believe him and thought that the crew had murdered him. He was tearing apart the piles of brush in the clearing because he believed the guest's body may have been hidden underneath. However, the guest's other brother, Dwayne, quickly became convinced that they were telling the truth.

Q: When you think back to that day, what memories stand out?

The guest admits that he tries to block out those memories but acknowledges that they are unforgettable. He vividly remembers the entire clearing being lit up with a strange glow that was difficult to replicate artistically. The glow had a golden color with a softness to it, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Q: Can you describe the appearance of the craft itself?

The craft was a classic disc shape, similar to what has been described in reports from individuals who have worked at Area 51. The guest suggests that there may not be just one type of craft, as he has personally witnessed other shapes like a glowing sphere, a giant black triangle, and balls of light that couldn't be penetrated by the eyes.

Q: What do you think caused the energy discharge when you stood closest to the craft?

The guest has developed several theories about the energy discharge. One possibility is that the increasing volume and movement of the craft allowed energy to leap to the ground through him, similar to static electricity. He also mentions the high frequency of lightning strikes in the area and speculates that the craft might have been searching for a unique crystal formed by the energy of lightning.

Q: Do you think the presence of the UFOs was related to the frequency of lightning strikes in the area?

The guest speculates that the craft may have been interested in a unique crystal formation called "folky right" that occurs when lightning strikes the earth, generating millions of volts and degrees. He believes the area's high frequency of lightning strikes could be a reason for their presence.

Q: Can you explain what "folky right" is and its properties?

"Folky right" is a crystal formation caused by lightning strikes. It is said to have special properties for those interested in crystals. Although the guest hadn't heard of it before, he was shown images of folky right during a conference and found it fascinating.

Q: What do you think the purpose of the UFOs' interest in "folky right" might be?

The guest suggests that the craft could be searching for this unique crystal formation as a potential source of energy. He speculates that the crystals' properties might have practical applications for the beings operating the craft.


In this video, the guest recounts his extraordinary experience of encountering a UFO in the woods. His detailed descriptions of the craft and its effects on him provide a compelling account of an encounter with the unknown. His speculations about the purpose of the UFOs in an area with a high frequency of lightning strikes raise intriguing questions about their motivations and possible interactions with earthly natural phenomena. The mention of "folky right" adds another layer of mystery to the story, hinting at the potential importance of unique crystal formations in the realm of UFO encounters. Overall, this interview offers a fascinating glimpse into an unexplained phenomenon that continues to captivate our imagination.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • While driving on a dirt road, the narrator and his crew stumbled upon a clearing in the woods, where they witnessed a mind-blowing disc-shaped craft emitting a golden glow.

  • Other individuals in the area also reported seeing the craft, describing it as rising up and streaking off towards the northeast.

  • The narrator's brother, initially skeptical, later believed in their account after having his own sighting of a tic-tac-shaped craft in the same location.

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