Facebook's Odd "Metaverse" Move | Summary and Q&A

November 10, 2021
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Facebook's Odd "Metaverse" Move

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In this episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan discusses the concept of the metaverse and its potential impact on society. He explores the idea of immersing oneself in a virtual reality world created by companies like Facebook, highlighting concerns about the influence of algorithms and the potential for disconnecting from real-world interactions. Rogan contemplates the future of virtual reality, its evolution in terms of graphics and AI capabilities, and the potential consequences of full-scale adoption. He also raises questions about the durability of civilizations that rely heavily on virtual reality and explores the contrasting approaches of different societies, such as China's ban on excessive online activities. The conversation delves into the conditioning and adaptability of human beings, the dangers of addiction to technology, and the potential for a divide between the elites who create the metaverse and those who choose not to participate.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the concerns surrounding Facebook changing its name to Meta and focusing on creating a metaverse?

The decision to rebrand Facebook as Meta and focus on the metaverse raises concerns about entrusting our lives to a virtual reality world created by a company whose algorithms are known to propagate distrust and hate. It poses the question of whether we should give control of our perception and experiences to a company that has a controversial track record.

Q: Do you think the metaverse will become a reality?

Yes, it is likely that the metaverse will become a reality, especially considering the generation growing up immersed in virtual worlds like Fortnite. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the adoption of online living and virtual interactions. As technology continues to advance and virtual reality becomes indistinguishable from reality, it is only a matter of time before the metaverse becomes a significant part of society.

Q: How has the evolution of gaming graphics and AI contributed to the rise of the metaverse?

The evolution of gaming graphics, exemplified by the Unreal Engine, has made virtual experiences increasingly realistic and immersive. Additionally, AI technologies have made significant strides in imitating human behavior and innovating independently. When coupled with haptic feedback suits and sports emulating video games, virtual reality is edging closer to the point where it becomes indistinguishable from reality. The continuous progress in these areas sets the stage for the full realization of the metaverse.

Q: What are the potential consequences of a civilization fully engaging in the metaverse?

Fully embracing the metaverse and primarily interacting through virtual reality raises concerns about the sustainability and durability of civilizations. If an entire generation gives up on real-world connections, romantic relationships, and child-rearing, it could lead to a decline in population and family structures. Virtual living would render the real world less significant, potentially leaving only religious communities as the sole preservers of humanity.

Q: How vulnerable is the metaverse to power grid disruptions?

The power grid poses a significant vulnerability to the metaverse. If someone were to exploit this vulnerability and disrupt the power grid, millions of people relying on virtual reality would have their lives completely disrupted. This dependency on technology leaves the metaverse susceptible to catastrophic consequences, comparable to dropping a nuclear bomb in a culture that lives entirely within a computer system.

Q: How does virtual reality affect civilization as a whole?

The transformative effects of virtual reality on civilization can be compared to the conditioning of a wild animal kept in a cage for an extended period. By isolating an entire generation from traditional human interactions and conditioning them to live and engage primarily online, civilization may lose its ability to reintegrate with the real world. The impact on society and the long-term consequences of a civilization deeply entrenched in virtual reality remain uncertain.

Q: Will the allure and addictive nature of the metaverse make it unstoppable?

The addictive nature of technology, as seen with something as simple as Instagram, suggests that the allure of the metaverse will be difficult to resist. Its potential for overwhelming addiction, coupled with constant innovation and improvements, makes it highly likely that people will gravitate towards the virtual world. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the seduction of the metaverse and the importance of real-world experiences.

Q: Will there be a societal divide regarding the metaverse, similar to other issues?

It is plausible that a divide between the elites and the general population may emerge concerning the metaverse. While those at the top may be creating and promoting the metaverse, their personal choices may differ when it comes to allowing their children to partake in it. This disparity in behavior may result in a split, with the elites designing the virtual world while abstaining from it, while others enthusiastically embrace it.

Q: How can the vulnerabilities of human nature be better understood to ensure societal durability?

The durability of a civilization depends on recognizing and understanding the vulnerabilities inherent in human nature. Whereas institutions that manipulate and exploit these vulnerabilities to achieve subjective happiness may seem appealing, a civilization that comprehends these vulnerabilities and works towards mitigating their negative impact may prove to be more enduring. The contrasting approaches of societies like China, which imposes restrictions on excessive online activities, and those that embrace virtual living present different perspectives on long-term durability.

Q: How adaptable are human beings, and how does this affect their response to new social circumstances?

Human beings possess a remarkable adaptability, which can sometimes work to their detriment. Throughout history, humans have adapted to various social circumstances, and this adaptability is often regarded as a superpower. However, when social circumstances change drastically, particularly in ways that are detrimental to mental and emotional well-being, excessive adaptability can be a weakness. The conditioning required during the COVID-19 pandemic to adjust to new ways of thinking and living demonstrates this adaptability, albeit at the cost of potentially harmful consequences.

Q: What is the hypothetical scenario of Robert Nozick's experience machine, and how does it relate to the metaverse?

Robert Nozick's concept of the experience machine, which closely resembles the metaverse, raises thought-provoking questions. The hypothetical machine would provide individuals with an illusion of choice, a sense of significance, and a dopamine hit similar to real life. Nozick postulated that people would choose not to plug into this machine, as they still value the genuine consequences of their actions in the real world. However, in a society where everyone is plugged into the experience machine, choosing not to participate could result in feeling left out from the experiences of others.


The emergence of the metaverse and the potential for full-scale adoption raises important questions about the impact on society. While the allure and addictive nature of virtual reality can make its widespread integration appear unstoppable, it is crucial to consider the vulnerabilities inherent in human nature. The durability of civilizations depends on understanding these vulnerabilities and striking a balance between virtual and real-world experiences. A potential divide may arise between the elites who create the metaverse but keep their children away from it and the rest of the population who readily embrace it. The metaverse is likely to become a reality, but its consequences and implications for the future remain uncertain.

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