Former CIA Agent Mike Baker on China's 2049 Plan | Summary and Q&A

March 10, 2021
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Former CIA Agent Mike Baker on China's 2049 Plan


Nation states like China and Russia are engaging in sophisticated cyber-attacks, posing significant risks to US government agencies and organizations.

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Key Insights

  • 🉐 Nation states like China and Russia are engaging in sophisticated cyber-attacks to gain a strategic advantage globally.
  • 👊 The SolarWinds hack by Russians and the Chinese attack on Microsoft Exchange servers highlight the escalating cyber threats faced by the US.
  • 🌱 China's long-term plan to become a global superpower involves extensive cyber espionage and intellectual property theft.
  • 🤝 Adopting a pragmatic approach and imposing sanctions are crucial steps in dealing with cyber threats from nation states.
  • 🌍 Cybersecurity threats from nation states pose significant risks to US government agencies, organizations, and critical infrastructure.
  • 💁 Chinese state-sponsored hackers focus on hoovering up a vast amount of information to sift through later, showcasing their patient and strategic cyber espionage tactics.
  • 👊 The US needs to maintain a strong posture against cyber threats, potentially engaging in retaliatory acts to deter further attacks.


the jurogan experience i'm very excited to talk to you because i had a guy on jamie metzel yesterday a scientist who scared the [ __ ] out of me talking about china he's talking about china we were talking about china amassing naval power china's taking over tech companies and how how huge they're getting and how much influence they have over their... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the SolarWinds hack by Russians impact the US government?

The SolarWinds hack, described as the most sophisticated attack by Microsoft, compromised various US government agencies, including the intel community and defense department.

Q: Why is China considered a bigger cyber threat than Russia?

China's strategic long-term approach to cyber espionage and theft of intellectual property poses a significant threat, surpassing the immediate concerns raised by Russian cyber-attacks.

Q: What is the unique approach of Chinese state-sponsored hackers in cyber espionage?

Chinese hackers focus on hoovering up a vast amount of information indiscriminately to sift through later, showcasing their patience and long-term vision in intelligence operations.

Q: How should the US respond to cyber threats from China and Russia?

The US should adopt a pragmatic approach, imposing sanctions and potentially engaging in retaliatory acts to deter cyber-attacks and protect national security.


In this video, the speaker discusses the growing threat of cyber attacks from countries like China and Russia. They highlight recent incidents, such as the SolarWinds hack by Russians and the Chinese attack on Microsoft Exchange servers, to emphasize the sophistication and impact of these attacks. The speaker emphasizes that China poses a greater threat than Russia, as they have been engaging in cyber theft for decades, stealing intellectual property and technology. They explain how China's long-term vision and patience allow them to infiltrate organizations and exploit vulnerabilities. The speaker advocates for a pragmatic approach in dealing with these cyber threats, including sanctions and trade wars, while also urging for the development of clear definitions and responses to cyber warfare. They also discuss the potential consequences of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, citing examples like the power grid shutdown in Ukraine and the vulnerability of infrastructure in the US. The speaker emphasizes the need for the US to maintain its position of influence and control, while acknowledging the importance of acting in its own best interests.

Questions & Answers

Q: What recent cyber attacks have occurred and how significant were they?

In the past few months, there have been two major cyber attacks. The SolarWinds hack by Russians targeted government organizations and the intel community, while the Chinese attack on Microsoft Exchange servers affected a wide range of companies. These attacks have been described as highly sophisticated, with the Microsoft attack being labeled as one of the most sophisticated ever seen. The depth and impact of these attacks are still being assessed, but they highlight the growing threat from nation-state hackers.

Q: Why does China pose a greater threat than Russia?

While the focus has been on Russia in recent years, China is actually the bigger problem. Unlike Russia, which engages in less elegant tactics and throws everything at the wall to see what sticks, China has a long-term vision and patience. They have been engaging in cyber theft for decades, stealing intellectual property and reverse engineering technology. China's ability to infiltrate organizations and patiently wait for payoffs makes them a formidable adversary in cyberspace.

Q: How does China's cyber espionage differ from the US or its allies?

The US and its allies take a targeted approach to cyber operations, focusing on specific intelligence priorities and developing surgical strikes. In contrast, China takes a broad approach, hoovering up as much information as possible and sifting through it later. They are willing to invest years in developing potential recruits or infiltrating organizations, showcasing their patient and resourceful tactics.

Q: Should we be scared of these cyber threats?

While fear is not the appropriate response, we should be pragmatic and understand the gravity of the situation. The cyber threats from countries like China and Russia are real and evolving. It is necessary to take these threats seriously and develop effective strategies to deter and respond to cyber attacks.

Q: How should the US handle these cyber threats, especially from China?

The US needs to maintain a strong posture in dealing with cyber threats from China. It is crucial to make it clear to the Chinese regime that their actions will not be tolerated. One possible approach is to impose sanctions and engage in trade wars. Since cyber attacks are not easily defined and responses can escalate quickly, clear definitions and appropriate responses need to be established. The speaker also suggests retaliatory actions against cyber attacks, such as those faced in the SolarWinds incident.

Q: How has China demonstrated its cyber capabilities through infrastructure attacks?

China, along with Russia and other countries, has been probing and testing the weaknesses of critical infrastructure in countries like the US and India. They have been mapping out vulnerabilities to develop game plans. The vulnerability of infrastructure, such as power grids, is a significant concern. China has the capability to interfere with infrastructure, and shutting down power grids, as witnessed in Ukraine, can have far-reaching consequences affecting transportation, fuel supply, food access, and more.

Q: Does it frustrate you when people claim that the US engages in similar cyber activities?

It does to some extent. While the US is not perfect and makes mistakes, it tends to act in its best interest and self-correct when necessary. Other major powers, like China and Russia, often act solely in their own self-interest without caring about the consequences. However, the speaker emphasizes that it is essential for the US to maintain the moral high ground while pragmatically pursuing its own interests.

Q: What potential consequences can arise from a cyber attack on critical infrastructure?

Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure have the potential to disrupt society in significant ways. For example, if a power grid is shut down for an extended period, it can impact the supply of cash, fuel, food, and water. Transportation becomes difficult, and heat-related issues may arise. Such attacks can cripple a country's infrastructure and have severe consequences for its population.

Q: How can the US effectively respond to cyber attacks?

Developing clear definitions of cyber attacks and appropriate responses is a crucial first step. The US can utilize sanctions and trade wars to make cyber attacks painful for adversarial nations like China. Retaliatory actions and engaging with organizations like Cyber Command are necessary to deter these attacks effectively. However, it is essential to be prepared for potential escalation and ensure that the US maintains its position of influence and control.

Q: Should the US apologize for its actions in cyberspace, considering other nations don't?

While it is not a bad thing to apologize when the US acts in its own best interests, it is crucial to consider the context. Apologizing while still acting in its best interest is acceptable, as long as the US maintains a pragmatic and self-interested approach. The speaker suggests that the US should strive to be the moral high ground for the world while still pursuing its own national interests.


The video highlights the growing threat of cyber attacks from countries like China and Russia. The recent attacks on SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange servers demonstrate the sophistication and impact of these attacks. China poses a greater threat than Russia due to their long-term vision, patient tactics, and extensive cyber theft history. To effectively respond to these threats, it is crucial for the US to maintain a strong posture, impose sanctions, and establish clear definitions and responses to cyber warfare. The vulnerability of critical infrastructure, such as power grids, should also be a major concern. The US should strive to maintain the moral high ground while pragmatically pursuing its own interests, refraining from apologizing simply for acting in its best interest. Overall, a pragmatic approach is necessary to navigate the cyber threats posed by these countries and protect national security.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Recent cyber-attacks by nation states like Russia (SolarWinds hack) and China (attack on Microsoft Exchange servers) pose significant threats to US national security.

  • China's long-term plan to become the global superpower involves extensive cyber espionage and theft of intellectual property.

  • Maintaining a pragmatic approach and imposing sanctions are crucial steps in dealing with cyber threats from nation states.

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