Joe Rogan Experience #1494 - Bret Weinstein | Summary and Q&A

June 18, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1494 - Bret Weinstein

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In this video, Bret Weinstein discusses the current state of societal unrest and the potential consequences of the movement that has emerged. He highlights the combination of Occupy 2.0 and Black Lives Matter, and the dangers of a leaderless movement. He also delves into the deeper causes of the unrest, including economic disparity and historical racism, while critiquing critical theory's attack on STEM disciplines. Overall, Weinstein expresses concern about the future and the need for effective leadership and solutions.

Questions & Answers

Q: What did Bret Weinstein accurately predict about Evergreen and why is it relevant now?

Bret Weinstein accurately predicted the spillover of the Evergreen situation into the real world due to the authoritarian and forced compliance aspects seen at the college. This is relevant now as these same dynamics are playing out in society as a whole.

Q: Why does Weinstein believe that the current situation is more dire and difficult to resolve?

Weinstein believes that the absence of leadership and the inability to effectively address the core economic and political causes make the current situation more dire. He predicts that the country is on a collision course with various scenarios, including potential civil war, unless actions are taken.

Q: What are some of Weinstein's next set of predictions?

Weinstein predicts that the country is heading towards a collision course with history, potentially resulting in civil war. He acknowledges the possibility of averting this outcome, but expresses concern about the lack of leadership and the unclear path forward.

Q: What does Weinstein think the root cause of the current unrest is?

Weinstein believes that the root cause of the current unrest lies in economic and political factors. He argues that disenfranchised communities with limited opportunities and historical legacies of racism contribute to the sense of anger and exclusion that fuels the movement.

Q: What are the dangers of a leaderless movement?

Weinstein highlights the dangers of a leaderless movement, as it lacks direction and the ability to negotiate on behalf of the movement. Without clear leadership, the movement can become rudderless and fail to address the actual problems at hand.

Q: What does the movement want and what are its goals?

Weinstein cautions against casting the movement as a singular entity, as it comprises different forces and grievances. He mentions the fusion of Occupy 2.0 and Black Lives Matter, noting that the movement demands the abolition of the police and addresses inequalities. However, he believes that these demands are not coherent or effective in resolving the root causes of the problems.

Q: Why does Weinstein see a connection between the movement and critical theory?

Weinstein sees a connection between the movement and critical theory, as critical theory originated as an honorable investigation of biases in the court system. However, it has morphed into something unrecognizable and now aligns with the movement's anti-STEM stance, claiming that science is inherently racist.

Q: What does Weinstein think about the claims that STEM disciplines are racist?

Weinstein argues against the claims that STEM disciplines are racist, highlighting the efforts within academia to increase diversity and representation. He explains that the underrepresentation of certain groups is due to various complex factors, such as the overproduction of PhDs and the focus on big grant research. He believes that these claims are unfounded and damaging to the fields.


Weinstein's analysis sheds light on the complexities of the current societal unrest. He emphasizes the need for effective leadership to address the underlying economic and political causes. Weinstein also critiques the movement for its lack of coherence and its dangerous attack on STEM disciplines. Ultimately, he warns of the potential consequences and calls for solutions that address the root causes of the issues at hand.

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