Jimmy Corsetti's Theory on the Lost City of Atlantis | Summary and Q&A

December 1, 2021
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Jimmy Corsetti's Theory on the Lost City of Atlantis

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In this video, the concept of Atlantis and its potential existence is explored. The speaker discusses the fascination with Atlantis, the concept of advanced civilizations before the younger dryas impact theory, and the uncovering of complex ancient structures. The possible origins of the Atlantis story and its association with Egypt are also mentioned, along with the theory that Atlantis could have been a more global civilization. The focus then shifts to the Richat Structure, which is suggested as a potential location for Atlantis. The speaker points out the water erosion marks, salt deposits, and the size of the structure as evidence for its possible connection to the lost city. The video also addresses alternative viewpoints and explanations, such as volcanic activity and wind-driven sands.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the connection between Atlantis and the younger dryas impact theory?

The younger dryas impact theory suggests that around 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, the Earth was hit by a series of comets, causing a cataclysmic event that reset civilization. Core samples from the Earth during that time period contain nuclear glass, indicating a large-scale impact. This theory has led to the rethinking of the history of advanced civilizations, including the potential existence of Atlantis.

Q: What is the significance of the Richat Structure in relation to Atlantis?

The Richat Structure, located in Mauritania, Africa, is proposed as a potential location for Atlantis. It consists of concentric circles and has water erosion marks, suggesting a possible connection to the lost city. The circular structure is approximately 30 miles in size, with water believed to have been present in the outer rings and structures on the ridges. Despite doubts and alternative explanations, the speaker argues that the presence of salt and geological formations make a case for the site's connection to Atlantis.

Q: What is the origin of the Atlantis story?

The Atlantis story was passed down by the ancient Greeks through Plato's writings. However, Plato heard the story from his uncle Solon, who had traveled to Egypt. This makes it interesting that the tale of Atlantis originated from the ancient Egyptians, who had their own spectacular civilization. The speaker highlights the significance of the Egyptian influence on the story.

Q: Is there natural explanation for the formation of the Richat Structure?

The Richat Structure is considered a mysterious formation, but there is a consensus that it was a volcanic dome that rose and collapsed multiple times around 100 million years ago. However, the speaker questions the accuracy of such timelines and wonders why they are drawn in broad terms when discussing recent geological events. The unique concentric circles and water erosion marks raise questions about alternative explanations like impact sites or offshore geological formations.

Q: How does the Richat Structure compare to man-made structures?

The Richat Structure stands out due to its unique features and complexity. The concentric circles and large ridges have no parallel in man-made structures. This distinctiveness, along with the striking geological patterns, adds to the intrigue surrounding the possibility of it being a remnant of an ancient civilization like Atlantis.

Q: Was the Richat Structure underwater?

The debate about whether the Richat Structure was once underwater is ongoing. While some argue that it has not been submerged for millions of years, traces of salt in the area suggest more recent oceanic activity. Furthermore, the presence of water erosion marks and the blue color in satellite imagery indicate the possibility of past water bodies. The speaker puts forth the idea that the desert was green around 20,000 years ago and was home to large freshwater lakes and rivers, which adds to the case for the structure's connection to Atlantis.

Q: How does the size of the Richat Structure relate to Plato's description of Atlantis?

Plato described Atlantis as a city comprising concentric rings of water and land. While some argue that the Richat Structure may be too large based on Plato's measurements, the focus should instead be on whether the site could support a city with millions of people. Given the bustling nature of Atlantis described by Plato, the size of the structure seems appropriate to accommodate such a population.

Q: What is the evidence for the younger dryas impact theory?

The younger dryas impact theory is supported by geological evidence such as tritonite or nuclear glass found in core samples from various locations worldwide. This glass is associated with either a nuclear explosion or a significant meteor impact. The presence of this substance indicates that a cataclysmic event occurred, which aligns with the theory of a civilization reset around 11,000 to 12,000 years ago.

Q: How do wind-driven sands compare to water erosion in the Richat Structure?

The speaker acknowledges that wind-driven sands can create patterns similar to those found in the Richat Structure. However, the combination of sand and rock formations, along with the specific water erosion marks, suggests a more significant role of water in shaping the structure. The presence of sand ripples and the remnants of water flow indicate that water played a substantial part in the formation of the structure.

Q: How long ago was the Sahara Desert a lush and green area?

The Sahara Desert transitioned between a green, lush area and a desert approximately every 20,000 years, according to research by MIT. The last greening occurred around 5,000 years ago. This information is crucial in understanding the potential for the Richat Structure to have been submerged in water and its connection to Atlantis.


The concept of Atlantis, an advanced civilization destroyed by a cataclysmic event, continues to intrigue researchers and enthusiasts. The Richat Structure in Mauritania is suggested as a potential location for Atlantis due to its concentric circles, water erosion marks, and salt deposits. The debate about whether the structure was once underwater adds to its mysterious nature. The geological evidence of the younger dryas impact theory, along with discoveries of ancient structures predating the cataclysm, provides context for the potential existence of advanced civilizations. While uncertainty remains, exploring these ideas expands our understanding of human history and the possibility of lost cities like Atlantis.

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