Joe on Elon Musk Being on the Board at Twitter | Summary and Q&A

April 8, 2022
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Joe on Elon Musk Being on the Board at Twitter


Elon Musk buys 9% stake in Twitter, impacting stock price and potential policy changes like an edit button.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Elon Musk's 9% stake purchase in Twitter impacted the stock price significantly.
  • 🥺 His delayed disclosure led to a price surge, showcasing his market influence.
  • 🧘 Discussion on Twitter policy changes like an edit button reflects user preferences.
  • 🤕 Alternative social media platforms face challenges with banned toxic users.
  • 🥶 Balance between free speech and preventing harassment is crucial for platform integrity.
  • 🪡 Need for diverse platforms to counter the dominance of mainstream social media giants.
  • 🤕 Impact of censorship decisions, like banning Trump, sets controversial precedents.


The Joe Rogan Experience elon's a [ __ ] wizard man yeah I'm really interested to see what he does with Twitter because he bought nine percent oh that's right I read an article today though I didn't read the article excuse me I read a headline today that said that uh he might have done something illegal by buying that stock oh really yeah but like ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Elon Musk's delayed disclosure lead to a significant increase in Twitter's stock price?

Musk's delayed disclosure allowed him to keep buying shares at a lower price, benefiting him. Once the disclosure was made, the stock price surged due to his considerable stake.

Q: What potential influence does Elon Musk hold over Twitter's policies, like implementing an edit button?

Musk, as a major stakeholder, can push for policy changes like the edit button, which align with his views and users' preferences as seen in the poll results.

Q: How do toxic users banned from mainstream platforms impact alternative social media apps?

Banned users congregating on alternative platforms create toxic environments, challenging the balance between free speech and preventing harassment campaigns and negative behavior.

Q: What are the implications of social media giants like Twitter and Facebook having a significant influence on global information distribution?

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook have immense power to shape public opinion, affecting elections and societal norms, emphasizing the need for diverse and free speech-adhering alternatives.


This conversation revolves around Elon Musk's recent purchase of a nine percent stake in Twitter and the potential illegality of his actions. The timing of Musk's disclosure is questioned, as it affected the stock price. The discussion also touches on the possibility of Twitter implementing an edit button and the influence Musk might have as the largest stakeholder. The conversation then shifts to the issue of banning and censorship on social media platforms, with contrasting opinions on the importance of free speech and the consequences of allowing toxic individuals to migrate to alternative platforms.

Questions & Answers

Q: What law did Elon Musk potentially violate with his purchase of Twitter stock?

Musk may have violated a 50-year-old law that requires investors to disclose when they surpass a five percent stake in a company.

Q: Why did Elon Musk's delayed disclosure affect the price of Twitter's stock?

Musk continued to buy stock at a certain price before making his public disclosure. If he had disclosed earlier, the stock price could have risen faster, potentially making it more expensive for him to acquire the shares.

Q: Does Elon Musk's nine percent stake in Twitter give him significant power over the company?

As the largest stakeholder, Musk holds considerable influence over Twitter. However, it is uncertain whether the company is obligated to listen to his opinions regarding issues such as banning users or implementing an edit button.

Q: What were the major concerns raised about implementing an edit button on Twitter?

One of the concerns was that editing tweets could alter the timing and intent of the original message. This could potentially be exploited for malicious purposes, such as spreading false information or manipulating stock prices.

Q: Why do alternative social media platforms often become havens for toxic individuals?

When individuals who have been banned from major platforms migrate to alternative ones, they may continue to engage in toxic behaviors. These individuals organize harassment campaigns and target people, making these platforms hostile and undesirable for many users.

Q: What are some examples of alternative social media platforms?

While names of specific platforms were not mentioned in the conversation, there are numerous alternative platforms to major ones like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. These platforms aim to provide alternatives that adhere to principles of free speech.

Q: Why is it important to have alternatives to major social media platforms?

Having alternative platforms ensures competition, which is vital in challenging the monopoly of larger companies. These alternatives grant voices to users who may have been censored or banned on mainstream platforms and allow for diverse perspectives to be shared.

Q: What is the concern with banning a sitting president like Donald Trump from Twitter?

Banning a sitting president sets a concerning precedent, as it allows private companies to remove individuals in positions of power based on their personal dislike of their opinions or actions. This act raises questions about the boundaries of free speech and the influence of tech companies in shaping political discourse.


This conversation brings attention to the potential legal consequences of Elon Musk's stock purchase and highlights the power dynamics within Twitter. It also emphasizes the need for alternative social media platforms that uphold principles of free speech, while acknowledging the challenges that arise when toxic individuals migrate to these platforms. The discussion highlights the delicate balance between protecting free speech and preventing harmful behaviors online.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Elon Musk bought a 9.2% stake in Twitter, and delayed disclosure led to a 30% increase in stock price.

  • Musk's potential influence over Twitter policies, like implementing an edit button, is significant.

  • Discussions on social media censorship, alternative platforms, and the impact of toxic users on new apps.

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