Jordan Peterson on Getting Off of Benzodiazepines, Being in the Spotlight | Summary and Q&A

January 25, 2022
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Jordan Peterson on Getting Off of Benzodiazepines, Being in the Spotlight


Joe Rogan and his guest discuss the dangers of benzodiazepine addiction and withdrawal, its connection to substance abuse, and the impact of fame on mental health.

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Key Insights

  • 😷 Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, are highly addictive and can be dangerous to quit without proper medical support.
  • 🥺 Xanax is often prescribed as a substitute for barbiturates, but its addictive nature can lead to a dependency on the substance.
  • 😣 Detoxing from benzodiazepines can cause severe physical and psychological symptoms that last for years.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Fame can significantly impact mental health, with the constant scrutiny and criticism from others taking a toll on one's well-being.


The Joe Rogan Experience what is it like to be you like what is it like to and then I know you know you've gone through a lot of [ __ ] and this latest thing with uh getting off of the benzodiazepine that to me was a real shocker because uh first of all I had no idea that you were taking it and then to find out that it's that difficult to get off o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes benzodiazepine withdrawal so difficult?

Benzodiazepines, like Xanax, can cause intense withdrawal symptoms, including seizures and extreme anxiety, making it one of the most challenging drugs to quit without professional supervision.

Q: Why do people on Xanax often start drinking alcohol?

Xanax can lower inhibitions and increase the effects of alcohol, leading sober individuals to relapse and use substances they had previously abstained from.

Q: When did medical professionals become aware of the difficulty of detoxing from benzodiazepines?

The true challenges of benzodiazepine withdrawal have only recently been acknowledged, even though these drugs have been prescribed for over 20 years.

Q: How does fame contribute to mental health issues?

The pressure of being attacked by others and reading negative articles about oneself can be incredibly stressful and exacerbate existing mental health conditions like depression.


In this video, Joe Rogan discusses with his guest the challenges of getting off benzodiazepine medication, particularly Xanax, the difficulties of managing fame and public criticism, and the personal struggles and pressures that led to his own health issues. They also touch on the topic of Freudian symbolism and the impact of stress on physical and mental well-being.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the impact of benzodiazepine withdrawal?

Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be extremely challenging and dangerous. Joe Rogan reveals his shock upon learning about the difficulties of getting off benzodiazepine, which can include severe physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. According to him, benzodiazepine and alcohol are the two substances that can potentially lead to death or intense suffering when abruptly discontinued. They discuss the prevalence of benzodiazepine prescriptions and the lack of awareness regarding the dangers of withdrawal.

Q: How did the prescription of benzodiazepine contribute to substance abuse?

Joe Rogan shares an anecdote from a friend who worked at a drug rehab center. He explains that Xanax, a commonly prescribed benzodiazepine, can inadvertently lead sober individuals into relapse with alcohol and other drugs. This friend of his recounts that many people become dependent on Xanax and start drinking, making it difficult for them to quit both substances. They discuss how the medical industry has been excessively prescribing benzodiazepines without fully understanding the potential consequences.

Q: When did people realize the difficulty of detoxing from benzodiazepine?

Surprisingly, it was relatively recently that the medical community acknowledged the challenges of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Joe Rogan and his guest express their astonishment at how long it took for this information to become widely known, especially considering the potential dangers involved. They discuss the historical context of benzodiazepine being seen as a safer alternative to barbiturates but lacking awareness about the difficulties of discontinuation.

Q: Why did people continue taking benzodiazepines for an extended period?

Joe Rogan shares that he has a close friend who has been on benzodiazepines, including Xanax, for over a decade despite the knowledge of their potential dangers and risks. He expresses his concern and frustration, acknowledging that there is little he can do to convince his friend to stop taking them. This illustrates how entrenched benzodiazepine use can become, even when individuals are aware of the risks.

Q: What led Joe Rogan to start taking benzodiazepines?

Joe Rogan discloses that he started taking benzodiazepines due to health issues. He explains that he was unable to sleep and felt incredibly anxious. Seeking relief, he visited a doctor who prescribed him a combination of a sleeping medication and an anti-anxiety drug. While he initially found the medication to be beneficial, he soon realized the potential risks involved but decided not to interfere with the treatment due to the relief it provided.

Q: Did the pressure of fame contribute to Joe Rogan's health issues?

The guest suggests that the pressure and criticism associated with fame may have played a role in Joe Rogan's health struggles. They discuss how external stressors can impact an individual's well-being, particularly when dealing with numerous attacks and negative articles. Joe Rogan shares his experience with depression and how the combination of personal and professional threats exacerbated his condition.

Q: How did false accusations affect Joe Rogan's mental health?

Joe Rogan reveals that he faced false accusations of sexual misconduct during a difficult time in his life. He explains that the evidence cited against him was trivial, such as him spinning his wedding ring during therapy sessions. These accusations, combined with other legal and professional issues, significantly impacted his mental health, causing extreme distress and potentially contributing to his physical symptoms.

Q: How did Joe Rogan's health issues manifest physically?

Joe Rogan describes the physical symptoms he experienced during his health struggles. He explains that he had numbness and excruciating pain in his hands and feet, which lasted for two years. The pain would intensify in the mornings, and the numbness was particularly severe in his left hand. He acknowledges that he has not fully recovered from the benzodiazepine withdrawal and the underlying health issues.

Q: Did Joe Rogan's health issues coincide with additional stressors?

Yes, Joe Rogan reveals that his health issues worsened around the same time his wife, Tammy, was battling cancer. The combination of external stressors, including legal issues and personal relationships, likely heightened his vulnerability to physical and mental distress. He mentions that he has a family history of immunological problems, which may have contributed to the overall health issues as well.

Q: How long did it take for Joe Rogan to recover from benzodiazepine withdrawal?

Joe Rogan states that it took him two years to recover from the benzodiazepine withdrawal fully. However, he mentions that he still experiences lingering symptoms, such as numbness in his hands. He also highlights how his daughter, Michaela, found relief from her own health issues through a meat-only diet, sparking a discussion about dietary impacts on overall well-being.


This conversation sheds light on the challenges of benzodiazepine withdrawal and the need for greater awareness regarding the potential dangers and difficulties of discontinuation. It also highlights the impact of external stressors, such as fame and false accusations, on mental and physical health. Joe Rogan's personal experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of proper medical attention, support networks, and strategies for managing stress and mental well-being.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Joe Rogan and his guest discuss the difficulty of getting off benzodiazepines, the dangerous side effects of suddenly quitting, and the prevalence of addiction to Xanax.

  • They explore how benzodiazepines are often prescribed as a substitute for barbiturates and how this class of drugs can lead to dependency.

  • The conversation also delves into the impact of fame on mental health, specifically the pressure of being attacked by others and the need to avoid reading negative articles about oneself.

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