Rick Doblin's DMT Realization About Hilter | Summary and Q&A

June 4, 2021
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Rick Doblin's DMT Realization About Hilter


Psychedelic trips reveal the interconnectedness of humanity and the potential for evil within ourselves.

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Key Insights

  • 🎞️ Psychedelic trips can reveal insights about interconnectedness and shared humanity.
  • 😈 Witnessing historical figures like Hitler during trips can highlight personal capacity for evil.
  • 🖐️ Drugs like amphetamines played a significant role in historical events like Hitler's regime.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Reflection on societal change and mass mental health can stem from psychedelic experiences.
  • 😈 Understanding the potential for evil within oneself is a profound takeaway from psychedelic trips.
  • 🛀 History shows the impact of drugs on historical leaders and their decision-making processes.
  • 💱 The connection between personal experiences and societal change is crucial for ethical decision-making.


the jurgen experience i had this other experience i just wanted to share about um this was a dmt experience where i realized that you know we all have the capacity for evil if we aren't careful in a sense so the dmt kind of dissolved my ego very quickly it was the first time i ever did dmt it was sitting in a circle with a group of people at eslin ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the DMT experience affect the speaker's perception of interconnectedness?

The DMT trip revealed to the speaker that they are interconnected with everything and everyone, acknowledging the shared history and experience of humanity.

Q: What insight did the speaker gain from visualizing Hitler during the Ketamine trip?

The speaker recognized their own potential for evil by seeing Hitler during the Ketamine trip, leading to reflection on the need for societal change and mass mental health.

Q: What role did drugs play in historical events like Hitler's speeches and the Third Reich?

Drugs like amphetamines and cocaine fueled Hitler's mania and aggression, impacting historical events like his speeches and war strategies.

Q: How did the speaker's psychedelic experiences inform their approach to political strategy and societal change?

The speaker's trips led them to emphasize the importance of mass mental health initiatives and compassion in addressing societal issues, such as combating evil and promoting interconnectedness.


In this video, the speaker shares their experience with DMT and ketamine, and how it led them to realize the capacity for both good and evil within themselves. They discuss seeing Hitler during their DMT experience and how it shattered their perception of evil being solely external. The speaker also describes their ketamine experience where they observed Hitler giving a speech and contemplated how to change his mindset. Ultimately, they learn the importance of focusing on mass mental health and compassion to prevent the spread of evil ideologies.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the speaker's DMT experience like?

The speaker describes seeing a horizontal line, then a vertical line, followed by the appearance of color. They then saw cubes and squares, resembling an M.C. Escher painting, before feeling a sense of being disconnected from reality.

Q: What insight did the speaker gain during their DMT experience?

The speaker realized that their inner voice, which they considered their deepest self, was not solely their own creation. They recognized that their identity and language were products of the collective influence of those who came before them.

Q: How did the speaker feel after realizing their interconnectedness with everything?

The speaker had a profound experience where they felt a sense of unity with all of existence and a connection to the evolutionary history of the universe. It was a beautiful realization of being part of everything and everything being part of them.

Q: Did the speaker encounter Hitler during their DMT experience?

Yes, the speaker saw visions of Hitler during their DMT experience. They described witnessing multiple golden Hitlers floating around.

Q: What was the impact of seeing Hitler during the DMT experience?

The speaker realized that the capacity for evil exists within all individuals. It was a shattering revelation that challenged their previous belief that evil was solely external. They came to understand that if they claimed interconnectedness with everything, they had to acknowledge the potential for evil within themselves as well.

Q: How did the speaker's perspective evolve after their DMT experience?

After the DMT experience, the speaker recognized the need for mass mental health and compassion as a means to counter evil ideologies. They realized that instead of trying to change the mind of an individual like Hitler, it was more effective to focus on changing the mindset of the many who supported him.

Q: What happened during the speaker's ketamine experience?

The speaker had a ketamine experience where they hovered above and behind Hitler as he delivered one of his speeches. They observed the energy exchange between Hitler and his supporters, particularly through the "Heil Hitler" salute.

Q: How did the speaker attempt to understand Hitler's mindset during their ketamine experience?

The speaker tried to empathize with Hitler and find ways to prevent his desire to inflict harm. They contemplated how to influence Hitler's decision not to engage in murder and mayhem.

Q: What realization did the speaker have during their ketamine experience?

As the intensity increased and panic arose within the speaker, they found solace in the realization that by focusing on their breath and maintaining calmness, they could be more effective in tackling the world's problems. They also understood that changing the mindset of the many was more important than trying to change the mind of an individual like Hitler.

Q: How did the speaker relate their experiences to the concept of mass mental health?

The speaker connected their experiences with the need for mass mental health initiatives. They emphasized the importance of basing compassion and spirituality within the masses. They referenced a conversation they had with Steve Jobs about the idea of giving politicians LSD and mentioned that instilling compassion within millions of people was crucial.


The speaker's experiences with DMT and ketamine led them to reflect on the universal capacity for good and evil within each individual. They realized the interconnectedness of all things and how personal identity and language are shaped by the collective contributions of previous generations. The encounter with Hitler during the DMT experience shattered the notion of evil as solely external, prompting the speaker to recognize the potential for evil within themselves. During the ketamine experience, the speaker tried to empathize with Hitler and find ways to change his mindset, ultimately discovering that influencing the mindset of the many was more impactful. These experiences informed the speaker's advocacy for mass mental health initiatives and the pursuit of compassion and spirituality within millions of individuals to counteract the spread of evil ideologies.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • DMT experience led to insight on interconnectedness with all beings.

  • Ketamine trip involved witnessing Hitler's speech and realizing the capacity for evil within.

  • Conclusion drawn about the need for mass mental health to combat societal evils.

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