Glasp Community Guidelines

Last Update on: July 5, 2022

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.

Our mission is to democratize access to other people’s learning and experiences that they have collected throughout their lives as a utilitarian legacy. As Glasp stands for "Greatest Legacy Accumulated as Shared Proof", we want to visualize your contribution to human knowledge history.

We have a set of guidelines for participating in Glasp.

Things you should do

  • Be civil and respectful.
  • Share knowledge and insights.
  • Listen and care about other people.
  • Be open-minded and curious.
  • Cite sources appropriately.

Things you shouldn't do

  • Circumvent or infringe copyright or highlight copyrighted works.
  • Reveal you and other people’s private information.
  • Clutter the community curated content.
  • Share and/or engage in hateful, abusive, pornographic, spam, illegal, or any other inappropriate content.
  • Spread misinformation or disinformation.

Use of the Glasp service is a privilege, not a right. We reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate users who violate these guidelines.

We are committed to build a platform based on our mission.