Joe Rogan Experience #1368 - Edward Snowden | Summary and Q&A

October 23, 2019
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Joe Rogan Experience #1368 - Edward Snowden


Edward Snowden uncovers government surveillance programs, sharing secrets for public awareness.

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Key Insights

  • 👊 Snowden's family history in the intelligence community influenced his career path and eventual whistleblower actions.
  • ðŸĨš Post-9/11 fear and government response led to increased surveillance and erosion of privacy rights.
  • ❓ Snowden's experiences at the NSA and CIA highlighted ethical dilemmas and inconsistencies in government actions.
  • ðŸ–Ī Whistleblowing was a response to witnessing government overreach and lack of accountability in intelligence operations.
  • 💁 Disclosure of surveillance programs aimed to inform the public and trigger discussions on government transparency.
  • ❓ Snowden's journey from contractor to whistleblower reflects a personal evolution in beliefs about government accountability.
  • ðŸĪŠ The impact of whistleblowing goes beyond exposure of classified information to sparking debates about civil liberties and surveillance practices.


and okay you're very professional you know people are like how do you live and things like that they're taking money from the Russians and of course the answer's no but I I do this for a living like I speak I don't have a youtube channel that where it's you know I'm Joe Rogan but I give speeches at universities and things like that I do a lot of in... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated Edward Snowden to disclose classified information?

Snowden's realization of government abuses and lack of accountability post-9/11 drove him to disclose information, feeling a moral obligation to inform the public about surveillance programs.

Q: How did Snowden's background influence his decision to become a whistleblower?

Coming from a military and intelligence family, Snowden's exposure to security clearance and government operations shaped his views on accountability and transparency, leading to his whistleblowing actions.

Q: What changes did Snowden observe in the intelligence community post-9/11?

Snowden witnessed a shift towards increased surveillance, bypassing traditional checks and balances, prioritizing security over individual rights, and sacrificing privacy for perceived safety.

Q: How did Snowden's experiences at the NSA and CIA impact his decision to disclose classified information?

Working in technical roles in intelligence agencies exposed Snowden to inconsistencies and ethical concerns, ultimately leading him to question the government's actions and become a whistleblower.


In this video, Edward Snowden discusses his book "Permanent Record" and the changing landscape of technology and government in the post-9/11 era. He talks about the government's lawsuit against him and his publisher, as well as the challenges he faced in getting his message out to the public. Snowden also explains his decision to leak classified information and his belief in the importance of transparency and accountability in government.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you do a YouTube channel to reach a wider audience?

While Snowden acknowledges that he is not well-known like Joe Rogan, he expresses interest in starting a YouTube channel to reach more people and gain followers.

Q: Why did you write the book "Permanent Record"?

Snowden explains that "Permanent Record" is not just a story about his life, but also about the changing nature of technology and government, particularly in the post-9/11 era. He wanted to shed light on the surveillance programs and violations of privacy that were occurring and the implications for our society.

Q: What was the government's response to your book?

Snowden reveals that the government filed a lawsuit against him and his publisher, seeking to halt the distribution of his book. They also pursued financial censorship, attempting to prevent him from making any money from the book. While the government hasn't been successful in removing the book from shelves, they continue to pursue legal action.

Q: Why did you choose to speak with Joe Rogan?

Snowden had heard of Joe Rogan and appreciated his interview with Bernie Sanders. He mentioned that his Twitter followers had been urging him to go on Joe Rogan's show. After looking into Rogan's work and watching his show, Snowden found that Rogan had a different impression from what he initially assumed based on his logo. He appreciated Rogan's thoughtful approach and willingness to have meaningful conversations.

Q: Can you give a brief background on your role in the revelations of global mass surveillance in 2013?

Snowden explains that he worked for the CIA and the NSA as a contractor. During his time at these agencies, he discovered that the government was violating the law and the Constitution by conducting domestic and international mass surveillance. He believed that the public had a right to know about these programs and their impact on privacy and human rights.

Q: What was the government's justification for mass surveillance after 9/11?

After the 9/11 attacks, the government justified mass surveillance as a necessary measure to prevent future attacks. They claimed it was necessary to monitor everyone, believing that terrorist sleeper cells could be anywhere and could attack at any moment. However, Snowden argues that the government overstepped its bounds by conducting surveillance on such a massive scale and undermining individual rights.

Q: How did the government agencies justify their collaboration during 9/11?

The government claimed that the lack of information sharing among agencies contributed to the failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks. They argued that removing restrictions and barriers would lead to better coordination and cooperation. However, Snowden believes that the agencies' desire for credit and competition for resources played a bigger role in the lack of information sharing.

Q: Did the mass surveillance programs prevent any attacks?

Snowden points out that while the government claims that mass surveillance programs were necessary for national security, there is no evidence to support this claim. Instead, the programs primarily violated privacy and civil liberties without significantly improving security. Snowden argues that targeted surveillance based on individualized suspicion is more effective and respects constitutional rights.

Q: Have there been negative consequences from the disclosures you made?

Snowden argues that there have been no proven negative consequences from his disclosures thus far. He emphasizes that the information he leaked was in the public interest and that he and the journalists he worked with took precautions to mitigate risks. He believes that the government's criticisms of him leading to harm are unfounded in light of the lack of evidence after six years.

Q: What led to the loss of privacy and increased government control in our society?

According to Snowden, the post-9/11 era saw a gradual erosion of privacy and an expansion of government power due to fear and the desire for security. He believes that the government's response to 9/11 led to a shift in the balance of power between citizens and the government, with the government gaining more control and the public having less influence over government policies.


Edward Snowden's interview with Joe Rogan touches on the themes of government surveillance, the erosion of privacy, and the need for transparency and accountability. Snowden believes that the government's response to 9/11 led to an overreach of power, violating constitutional rights and undermining individual freedom. He emphasizes the importance of whistleblowing and the role individuals can play in demanding change and protecting civil liberties. Overall, Snowden's message highlights the need for an informed public and an ongoing conversation about the power dynamics between citizens and the government.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Snowden's journey from NSA contractor to CIA exposes inconsistencies in government actions.

  • His decision to disclose classified information stems from a sense of responsibility to inform the public.

  • Revealing surveillance programs sheds light on government abuses of power post-9/11.

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