Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm | Summary and Q&A

March 10, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm


The COVID-19 pandemic is just beginning, and it has the potential to be 10 to 15 times worse than the worst seasonal flu year, causing fatalities and illness on a large scale.

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Key Insights

  • 🔎 The timing is critical, as the severity of the situation with the COVID-19 outbreak is just beginning and will unfold over the next few months. It could be 10-15 times worse than a severe flu year in terms of fatalities and illness. The virus is highly infectious and can spread easily through the air, even before symptoms appear. The outbreak in China showed that when social distancing measures were lifted, a resurgence occurred, similar to the pattern of the influenza virus. Obesity is a significant risk factor for severe illness and death. The healthcare system is unprepared for the outbreak, lacking essential supplies like masks, respirators, and critical medicine. The public needs to understand that the risk and impact of the outbreak should not be underestimated and that it will require long-term efforts to mitigate its effects. Saunas do not kill the virus, and there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of alternative methods like IV vitamin drips in boosting the immune system against the virus. Handwashing and hygiene practices remain crucial for preventing the spread of the virus. Surgical masks are not effective in protecting individuals from the virus, but N95 respirators can offer some level of protection. The lack of stockpiles and preparedness in healthcare systems is a glaring vulnerability that needs to be addressed to prevent shortages of critical supplies during emergencies. A proactive approach is essential in preparing for future outbreaks and addressing deficiencies in healthcare systems and stockpiling essential medical supplies.


all right here we go so what you said when you sat down was absolutely perfect that the timing could not have been better well tell everybody what you do Michael well thank you I'm a four AB lack of a better term of medical detective I've spent my whole career tracking infectious diseases down trying to stop him try to understand where they come fr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is COVID-19 more severe than the seasonal flu?

COVID-19 has the potential to be much more severe than the seasonal flu, with estimates suggesting it could be 10 to 15 times worse in terms of fatalities and illness.

Q: How does the incubation period of COVID-19 work?

The incubation period refers to the time between when an individual is exposed to the virus and when they start showing symptoms. For COVID-19, the incubation period is approximately four days, during which individuals can already be infectious even without symptoms.

Q: Is COVID-19 a bioweapon or engineered virus?

There is no evidence to support the claim that COVID-19 is a bioweapon or an engineered virus. The virus is believed to have originated from an animal source and subsequently jumped to humans.

Q: Can saunas or hot temperatures kill the virus?

Saunas and hot temperatures are not effective in killing the virus or preventing its transmission. The virus primarily spreads through respiratory droplets and breathing in infected air, not through external temperature exposure.


In this interview, Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert, discusses the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic. He explains that the virus is just beginning to take its toll and that the number of cases and fatalities will continue to rise in the coming months. He provides estimates on the number of hospitalizations, cases, and deaths that could occur. Osterholm also addresses the misconception that COVID-19 is only a disease for the elderly, highlighting the risk factors involved and the potential for severe illness in younger individuals as well. He emphasizes the importance of taking measures to limit contact and discusses the limitations of current public health interventions. Osterholm also discusses his concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare system and the availability of critical drugs. Finally, he touches on the topic of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer and the potential risk it poses to humans.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does Michael Osterholm do?

Michael Osterholm is a medical detective and an infectious disease expert who specializes in tracking infectious diseases, understanding their origins, and responding to outbreaks like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: How serious is the COVID-19 pandemic?

Osterholm explains that the seriousness of the pandemic is just beginning to unfold. The number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths will continue to rise in the coming months. He estimates that the virus could be 10 to 15 times worse than the worst seasonal flu year.

Q: How does COVID-19 transmit?

Osterholm explains that COVID-19 is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets. The virus spreads easily through the air and can be transmitted even before symptoms appear. Breathing is enough to transmit the virus.

Q: Why do some people compare COVID-19 to the flu and argue that it is less serious?

Osterholm explains that these comparisons are not accurate. While the flu is a serious illness, COVID-19 has the potential to be much worse. The number of cases and fatalities from COVID-19 are projected to be significantly higher than that of a typical flu season.

Q: Is COVID-19 an old person’s disease?

Osterholm explains that while older individuals are at higher risk, COVID-19 can also affect younger individuals, especially those with underlying health problems. Risk factors such as age, smoking, and obesity contribute to the severity of the disease. In fact, obesity is a major risk factor in the United States, where 45% of the population over the age of 45 is obese or severely obese.

Q: What is the incubation period of COVID-19?

The incubation period refers to the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms. Osterholm explains that the incubation period for COVID-19 is approximately four days. However, it is important to note that individuals can be contagious even before symptoms appear.

Q: Can saunas or hot temperatures kill COVID-19?

Osterholm debunks the myth that saunas or hot temperatures can kill the virus. The temperature required to kill the virus would be too high and could cause severe damage to the lungs. Breathing in hot air does not kill the virus.

Q: Is COVID-19 a bioweapon?

Osterholm dismisses the idea that COVID-19 is a bioweapon or a result of an accidental release from a lab. He explains that there is no evidence linking the virus to either scenario. COVID-19 is believed to have originated from an animal species and jumped to humans naturally.

Q: What can be done to combat COVID-19?

Osterholm explains that limiting contact is crucial in preventing the spread of the virus. While closing schools and implementing measures may help, they also come with their own challenges and potential negative impacts. Public health interventions should be carefully considered to ensure they do more good than harm.

Q: How are critical drug shortages affecting COVID-19 response?

Osterholm highlights the issue of critical drug shortages in the United States. Many essential drugs are manufactured offshore, particularly in China and India. The supply chains have been disrupted, leading to shortages even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation has been further exacerbated by the current crisis.

Q: What are the risks associated with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)?

Osterholm expresses concern about CWD and its potential to affect humans. CWD is a fatal disease that primarily affects deer, but it has the potential to jump to humans. He discusses the importance of proper testing and monitoring to prevent the transmission of CWD to humans.


Osterholm emphasizes that the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic is just beginning to unfold, and the number of cases and fatalities will continue to rise in the coming months. It is vital for individuals to take measures to limit contact and understand the risks associated with the virus. Public health interventions should be carefully considered to ensure their effectiveness. Additionally, Osterholm highlights concerns over critical drug shortages and the potential risk of CWD jumping to humans. The public needs to stay informed and take necessary precautions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The COVID-19 pandemic is just starting, with the potential to cause significant pain, suffering, and death.

  • The virus acts like an influenza virus and is highly contagious, spreading easily through the air before individuals even show symptoms.

  • Based on limited data, estimates suggest that COVID-19 could lead to millions of hospitalizations, cases, and deaths in the next few months.

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