Joe Rogan Experience #1477 - Tony Hawk | Summary and Q&A

May 20, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1477 - Tony Hawk


Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk discusses his love for the sport, the evolution of skateboarding, and the importance of building skate parks to create a sense of community and combat obesity.

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Key Insights

  • 🛹 Skateboarding is not just a sport but also an art form, allowing skaters to express their individual style and creativity on the board.
  • 👻 The internet has had a significant impact on skateboarding, allowing skaters from all over the world to gain recognition and make a career in the sport.
  • 🛹 Skateboarding has faced challenges in terms of public perception, but efforts to build skate parks and promote the sport as a healthy activity have helped change people's attitudes.
  • 🚙 Tony Hawk's success and longevity in skateboarding can be attributed to his resilience, ability to adapt, and passion for the sport.


and we're rolling how are you Tony awesome thank you my pleasure thanks for having yeah thanks for coming here man yeah hey thanks for watching it's an honor it's interesting to see you even just [ __ ] around with your skateboard just the way you maneuver it so you're so adept it's really weird like the way you move your feet and just pick it up a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the internet impacted the popularity of skateboarding?

The internet has leveled the playing field for skaters, allowing them to gain recognition and make a career in skateboarding, regardless of where they live.

Q: What is the key to Tony Hawk's longevity in the skateboarding scene?

Hawk attributes his longevity to his resilience and ability to adapt to different styles of skating as he got older. He also credits his success to his passion for the sport and the support from his fans.

Q: How has Tony Hawk been able to maintain a successful career in the skateboarding industry?

Hawk's career has been shaped by his longevity, the support of his fans, and his ability to adapt to changes in the skateboarding industry. He also credits the release of his video game in 1999 for changing everything and making skateboarding more mainstream.

Q: How did skateboarding evolve from a mode of transportation to a sport with tricks and stunts?

The evolution of skateboarding can be traced back to the Dogtown crew in the 70s, who took inspiration from surfing and started skating in empty swimming pools. Skate parks then emerged, but when they started closing, skaters began using the urban landscape as their playground, leading to the rise of street skating.


This video features an interview with Tony Hawk, a professional skateboarder, who discusses various topics related to skateboarding, his career, and his life. He talks about the history of skateboarding, the impact of the internet on the sport, his experiences with concussions, and his transition into other ventures. Hawk also shares stories about his early days in skateboarding and his interactions with other athletes. Throughout the conversation, Hawk emphasizes the love for the sport and the community it brings.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Tony Hawk become involved in skateboarding?

Tony Hawk started skateboarding at a young age after his brother introduced him to the sport. His brother gave him his first skateboard, and from there, Hawk developed a passion for it. He started going to skate parks and learning new tricks, eventually turning pro at the age of 14.

Q: What was the early skateboarding scene like?

In the early days, skateboarding was more focused on transportation and emulating surfing. However, the sport evolved when the Dogtown crew introduced ramp skating and aerials. Skate parks started cropping up, and skating became popular in the late 70s and early 80s. When the popularity of skate parks declined due to liability issues, street skating took off, with skaters using the urban landscape as their park.

Q: How has the internet impacted skateboarding?

The internet has had a significant impact on skateboarding by leveling the playing field and providing opportunities for skaters all over the world. It has allowed skaters to showcase their skills and gain recognition, regardless of their location. Hawk notes that the internet has opened up careers for skaters in unlikely places, giving them a platform to share their progressive content.

Q: Have concussions been a concern for Tony Hawk in his career?

Yes, Tony Hawk has experienced multiple concussions throughout his career, both mild and severe. He mentions having had at least 30 concussions or semi-concussions, with a few of them resulting in being knocked out cold. While Hawk recognizes the potential risks, he notes that he does not take concussions lightly and has taken proactive measures to minimize their impact, including taking supplements to support brain health.

Q: How did Tony Hawk overcome challenges during his career?

Tony Hawk faced challenges in his career, particularly during a period of financial decline in the early 90s. He recalls that his paycheck was decreasing due to a lack of interest and the perception that vert skating, his specialty, was not cool anymore. To make ends meet, Hawk pursued freelance video editing work and performed skate exhibitions. Eventually, his career took off again with the rise of the X Games and the popularity of his video game.

Q: How did Tony Hawk become so prominent in the skateboarding industry?

Tony Hawk's prominence in the skateboarding industry can be attributed to his longevity in the sport, his success in competition, and his entrepreneurial efforts. He turned pro at a young age and remained committed to skateboarding even during difficult times. Hawk also started his own skateboarding company and capitalized on his popularity through endorsements and collaborations. The release of his video game in 1999 further elevated his status.

Q: Did Tony Hawk continue his education while pursuing skateboarding?

Despite having a successful career as a professional skateboarder, Tony Hawk valued education due to his upbringing and his mother's profession as an educator. He completed high school and even pursued college, although he did not end up attending. Hawk's parents encouraged him to invest his money wisely, which led him to buy a house as a teenager. He acknowledges that his success in skateboarding made it challenging to focus on schoolwork.

Q: Did Tony Hawk have any other interests or hobbies apart from skateboarding?

Tony Hawk primarily focused on skateboarding throughout his life and did not engage in other strength and conditioning activities specifically for skateboarding. However, he mentioned enjoying swimming and surfing, which helped him stay fit. He also expressed interest in trying out different hobbies and skills as a means of personal growth and exploration.

Q: Did Tony Hawk have any memorable experiences with Laird Hamilton?

Tony Hawk shared a story about going tow-in surfing with his brother and Laird Hamilton in Maui. They surfed at Spreckels, near Jaws, and experienced big waves. Hawk recalls riding one of the biggest waves of his life and feeling both fear and respect for its power. Despite his limited experience with tow-in surfing, he attempted to ride the barrel but got wiped out. Hawk acknowledged the expertise and fearlessness of surfers like Laird Hamilton.

Q: Did Tony Hawk participate in extreme training or conditioning exercises?

Tony Hawk did not explicitly engage in extreme training or conditioning exercises related to skateboarding. He focused on skateboarding itself as a means of staying fit. However, he mentioned the importance of swimming laps and recognized that strength and conditioning exercises could have benefited him later in life. Hawk respected the training methods of athletes like Laird Hamilton but did not personally partake in such activities.


Tony Hawk's interview sheds light on the evolution of skateboarding, the impact of the internet, and his personal experiences within the sport. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and the pursuit of personal growth. Hawk's passion for skateboarding and his dedication to the sport have propelled him to become one of the most recognized figures in the industry. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring skateboarders and highlights the enduring spirit of the skateboarding community.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tony Hawk reflects on his passion for skateboarding and how it has become an extension of his body, providing him with a sense of comfort and mobility.

  • He discusses the different disciplines within skateboarding and how he transitioned from vert skating to street skating due to injuries.

  • Hawk explains the history of skateboarding and its transition from a transportation toy to a street sport, thanks to skaters creatively using urban landscapes as skate parks.

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