Joey Diaz's Changing Flavors Moment - JRE Toons | Summary and Q&A

January 22, 2018
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Joey Diaz's Changing Flavors Moment - JRE Toons

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This video clip is about a funny incident involving the speaker, Joey, and his experience playing basketball in a dangerous school. He shares how he had not been able to use the bathroom for a week and had consumed various substances before the game. During the game, he tried to relieve himself by passing gas, but it turned out to be a really foul-smelling fart, causing chaos amongst the players and spectators.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was Joey addicted to during his freshman year?

During his freshman year, Joey was addicted to steak and the "mary good Jesus" (possibly referring to marijuana).

Q: What was the situation like when they went to play the Christmas tournament?

When they went to play the Christmas tournament, they were playing at Pattinson Eastside, which Joey describes as a jungle-like school where one needs to be cautious.

Q: What did Joey consume before the game?

Before the game, Joey consumed acid and something that affected his stomach, which he did not disclose to anyone.

Q: What happened when Joey's stomach started hurting during the game?

When Joey's stomach started hurting during the game, he decided to take a chance and tried to relieve himself by farting.

Q: How bad was the fart that Joey passed?

According to Joey, the fart he passed was extremely foul-smelling. It was so bad that it caused people to run and the players on the bus to open the windows.

Q: Did Joey write a blog about his fart?

Yes, Joey wrote a blog about one of his farts, which Joe Rogan mentioned during the conversation.

Q: What was the reaction of the people around when they smelled the fart?

When the people around smelled the fart, it caused chaos and panic, with people running and attempting to escape the smell.

Q: How did the players on the bus react to the fart?

The players on the bus were startled by the smell of the fart, leading them to open the windows in an attempt to get some fresh air.

Q: Why was the fart smell particularly bad on the bus?

The fart smell was particularly bad on the bus because the enclosed space amplified the odor, making it even more intense and unbearable.

Q: What did Joey do after the incident?

After the incident, Joey decided to write a blog about one of his farts, most likely the one mentioned in the conversation.


This humorous anecdote shared by Joey showcases the unexpected and hilarious consequences of a simple bodily function. It reminds us of the power of laughter and how unexpected events can bring joy in unexpected places.

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