Joe Rogan Experience #1485 - Krystal & Saagar | Summary and Q&A

June 3, 2020
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Joe Rogan Experience #1485 - Krystal & Saagar

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In this video, the hosts discuss the current political climate and the importance of honesty and straightforwardness in today's partisan society. They also talk about the incentives for staying within the party line and the system of protection for those who do. They delve into the existential nature of the current political landscape and the difficulty of navigating through it. They reflect on the creation of their show and their unique left-right dynamic. They also address the negative impact of social media, the allure of virtue signaling, and the deep pool of despair that exists in society. The hosts express concern over political corruption and the lack of credibility in institutions. They discuss the recent protests and riots and their differing perspectives on the use of force.

Questions & Answers

Q: How do the hosts feel about the lack of honesty and straightforwardness in today's partisan society?

The hosts believe that honesty and straightforwardness are rare and valuable qualities in today's society. They feel that it is important to call things as they are, even if not everyone agrees with them. They appreciate the hosts for being honest and expressing their true opinions.

Q: Why do the hosts believe it is difficult to have a conversation between the new left and new right?

The hosts believe that the current political climate makes it challenging to have a conversation between the new left and new right. They feel that the stakes feel more existential than ever, which leads to heightened emotions and a lack of rational dialogue. They also mention the difficulty of navigating through a time when the country feels like it is coming apart.

Q: What is the incentive for staying within the party line?

It is safer to stay within the party line because there is a whole system set up for it. If you say what the party wants you to say, you are protected and can have a successful career. Staying within the bounds and looking like you are part of the team provides a sense of security and access to money and opportunities.

Q: How does the system of protection work for those who stay within the party line?

The system of protection ensures that those who stay within the party line are rewarded with career opportunities, consulting contracts, and recommendations for positions in administration. The people with money have an interest in propping up this infrastructure, so they support those who adhere to the talking points.

Q: Why is it important to be honest and straightforward?

Being honest and straightforward is important because it allows for genuine conversation and evaluation of facts. It creates a space where differing opinions can be heard and respected. The hosts believe that honesty is valuable in a time when there is a lack of it and when partisan cheerleading is more common.

Q: How do the hosts feel about being straightforward even when they might face backlash?

The hosts acknowledge that it is not easy to be straightforward and that they do face backlash at times. They recognize that it is safer to stay within the party structure and say what is expected. However, they feel that being honest is worth it, even if it means receiving negative feedback.

Q: Why is it difficult to be honest and go against the talking points?

It is difficult to be honest and go against the talking points because there is a whole system set up to keep dissenting voices within the party down. People who have dissenting opinions are kept out of the media and are not pushed forward as authoritative voices. The system of credentialism controls who enters programs and who is deemed credible.

Q: How did the hosts start their show?

The hosts started their show with a unique left-right dynamic. They came together with the idea of having more overlap on economic issues and focusing their dissent on cultural issues. They wanted to create a space where they could have honest conversations and explore ideas that are more representative of where young people and more Americans are heading.

Q: How did the hosts establish their rapport and trust with each other?

The hosts established their rapport and trust with each other through conversations and interactions. They saw that they clicked on certain issues and were willing to be honest when their own teams were wrong. They recognized that there was a lack of straightforwardness in the media and felt that they could provide a refreshing and valuable perspective.

Q: How did the hosts' show gain popularity?

The hosts' show started gaining popularity after they did an interview with Andrew Yang, where they asked him policy-focused questions instead of the usual repetitive ones. People appreciated the substantive questions and the honest approach. Their show took off after that and started to catch on, reaching a larger audience.

Q: How does social media contribute to the lack of honesty and understanding?

Social media exacerbates the lack of honesty and understanding because it condenses complex ideas into bite-sized tweets and posts. The algorithms and design of these platforms encourage addictive behavior and sensationalist dialogue. People use social media to engage in superficial arguments and to signal their virtue, rather than engaging in deep and meaningful conversations.

Q: What is the hosts' perspective on the recent protests and riots?

The hosts have differing perspectives on the recent protests and riots. One host believes that peaceful protesters should be allowed to protest, but looting cannot be allowed. They emphasize the need for a distinction between peaceful protesters and looters. They believe that the tactics used are more important than a more aggressive police presence.

Q: What concerns do the hosts have about the current political climate?

The hosts are concerned about political corruption and the lack of credibility in institutions. They believe that there is a disconnect between the elite and the regular people, and that there is a system in place to protect those in power. They also highlight the deep pool of despair that exists in society and the lack of faith in traditional channels for affecting change.


The video explores the importance of honesty and straightforwardness in today's partisan society. The hosts highlight the challenges of navigating through a time when the stakes feel existential and when conversation between the new left and new right is difficult. They discuss the incentives for staying within the party line and the system of protection for those who do. The hosts express concern over political corruption and the lack of credibility in institutions. They also delve into the negative impact of social media and the allure of virtue signaling. Finally, they reflect on the recent protests and riots and have differing perspectives on the use of force. Overall, the video provides insights into the current political climate and the struggles of honest dialogue and understanding.

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