The Inspiring Story of How The Undertaker Started Wrestling | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 2021
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The Inspiring Story of How The Undertaker Started Wrestling


A former college basketball player recounts his journey to becoming a professional wrestler, including his training experiences and his first match against Bruiser Brody.

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Key Insights

  • ⛹ī¸ European scouts initially expressed interest in the individual as a basketball player but advised him to gain more size for the physical style of European pro basketball.
  • 😊 The individual rediscovered his love for pro wrestling through casual conversations and decided to explore the possibility of pursuing it as a career.
  • 🤑 Many wrestling trainers in that era had a "weed out" process, trying to run off students to keep their money and ensure only committed individuals stayed.
  • đŸĨē The individual's perseverance and dedication to showing up at the wrestling office eventually led to him getting a break and being booked for a match.
  • 😃 His first match against Bruiser Brody was a challenging and eye-opening experience, but it earned him recognition and praise from Brody himself.
  • 🤑 The individual's initial training experience with Buzz Sawyer was a scam, with Sawyer primarily focused on taking money and inflicting pain on his students.
  • 😨 The individual's journey involved sacrifices, including selling his belongings, living in his car, and taking on odd jobs to sustain himself while pursuing his wrestling dreams.


the jurogan experience i was in college i was a basketball player right and my coach tells tells me hey mark there's there's some european scouts that are that are interested in you you know maybe after you know next year you know they may want to give you a tryout european pro basketball right but they all say they want to get you you know they'd ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the individual decide to pursue a career in pro wrestling?

The individual decided to give pro wrestling a try because he realized that his chances of success in professional basketball might be limited and he was drawn to the larger-than-life personas of pro wrestlers.

Q: How did the individual end up getting a break in the wrestling industry?

After months of showing up at the office of world champion wrestling and being ignored, the individual caught the attention of Fritz Von Erich, who gave him a chance to prove himself in a match.

Q: What was the individual's first professional wrestling match like?

The individual's first match was against Bruiser Brody, a well-known and tough wrestler. Despite being nervous and inexperienced, the individual learned valuable lessons from the match and received praise from Brody afterward.

Q: What was the training process like for the individual?

The individual's training with Buzz Sawyer was not what he expected. Sawyer focused on amateur wrestling techniques and attempted to run off his students to keep their money. The individual endured challenging physical training and was ultimately left without learning pro wrestling.


In this video, Mark Henry discusses his experience transitioning from college basketball to professional wrestling. He talks about the challenges he faced, the trainers he encountered, and his first professional match with Bruiser Brody.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Mark Henry get into professional wrestling?

Mark Henry got into professional wrestling when he was approached by European scouts during his college basketball career. They suggested he gain more size before pursuing a career in European pro basketball. He started lifting weights and training to meet the physical demands of European basketball. During this time, he met a guy in the gym who was interested in wrestling and encouraged Mark to join him. Mark's childhood fascination with wrestling resurfaced, and he decided to give it a try.

Q: Who was the trainer Mark initially worked with for wrestling?

Mark's initial trainer was a guy named Buzz Sawyer, whom he met in the gym. Mark had to come up with two grand to pay Buzz Sawyer to train him. He managed to get his older brother to co-sign a loan and sold everything he owned to get the money. However, their training sessions turned out to be a scam. Buzz Sawyer would make them do intense cardio workouts and then hurt them physically, hoping they would quit. He was not actually teaching them professional wrestling.

Q: Were there other wrestling trainers known for their challenging physical training standards?

Yes, one of the famous trainers known for rigorous physical training before teaching any wrestling techniques was Carl Gotch. Carl Gotch was a legendary catch wrestler, and his training regimen included intense exercises like a thousand bodyweight squats. His goal was to weed out the weak and only teach those who could meet his high physical standards.

Q: What is catch wrestling?

Catch wrestling is a style of wrestling similar to submission wrestling or jiu-jitsu. It focuses on a combination of wrestling techniques and submissions. Catch wrestling is known for its emphasis on grappling and physicality. It incorporates moves like snapping people down, crossfacing, guillotines, ten-finger guillotines, and more. Catch wrestling has influenced various combat sports, including MMA.

Q: How did Mark finally get his first break in professional wrestling?

Mark spent eight months showing up at the wrestling company's office every Wednesday, hoping to get noticed and booked for a match. Most wrestlers ignored him, but one day, Fritz Von Erich, the owner of the company, took notice of Mark's persistence and resemblance to his late son, David. He asked the referee, Bronco Lubich, about the kid who had been coming to the office for months. Upon learning Mark's intentions, Fritz decided to give him a chance and booked him for a match on Friday night.

Q: Did Mark have any wrestling experience before his first professional match?

While Mark had been practicing and doing matches in small, independent settings, he had not had a real professional match or worked with top-tier wrestlers. His first professional match was against the renowned Bruiser Brody, who was a tough and respected wrestler. Mark was nervous but thought he was bigger than Brody and had an advantage.

Q: How did Mark's first match with Bruiser Brody go?

Mark's first match with Bruiser Brody did not go well for him. Despite believing he had a size advantage, Brody quickly taught Mark a lesson. During the match, Mark accidentally struck Brody in the face, which angered him. Brody then proceeded to kick Mark in the head as hard as he could, throwing him out of the ring and onto a table. Brody continued to punish him in the ring, hitting him with a chair and eventually pinning him. While it was a tough experience, Mark learned from it.

Q: What was Mark's reaction after his first match with Bruiser Brody?

After the match, Mark went to Bruiser Brody to thank him for the opportunity. Brody told him to relax next time and acknowledged Mark's potential, recommending that the promoters book him for more matches. Although Mark was green and still learning, Brody saw something in him. Despite being beaten up, Mark appreciated the experience and the lessons he learned.

Q: How did Mark continue his journey in professional wrestling after his first match?

After his match with Bruiser Brody, Mark had to go to other territories and gain more experience before making it big in the wrestling industry. Although Brody recommended Mark for more bookings, Mark was still inexperienced and needed to refine his skills. He traveled to different places, worked with different opponents, and continued to learn and grow as a professional wrestler.

Q: How did Mark finally establish himself in professional wrestling?

Mark Henry persevered and continued to hone his skills in various wrestling territories. He went through the challenges and hardships that many wrestlers face, including living in his car for a period of time and bouncing between odd jobs to make ends meet. His dedication and persistence paid off when he was eventually noticed by the Von Erich family, who gave him a chance to prove himself. From there, Mark Henry's career took off, and he went on to become a significant figure in professional wrestling.


Mark Henry's journey in professional wrestling started as an opportunity to explore a European basketball career. He encountered challenges with his initial trainer, who turned out to be a scam artist. Mark's introduction to professional wrestling was rough, as he faced a veteran like Bruiser Brody in his first match. However, he persevered, kept learning, and eventually caught the attention of key figures in the wrestling industry. Mark's experience highlights the importance of persistence, dedication, and the willingness to learn from challenging situations in order to succeed in any field.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The individual, a former college basketball player, was approached by European scouts interested in him but advised him to gain more size and strength.

  • He started training with a wrestling fan, rediscovering his love for the sport and considering a career in pro wrestling.

  • To train as a wrestler, he paid a trainer named Buzz Sawyer, only to find out that Sawyer wasn't interested in teaching pro wrestling and his training sessions were grueling and intense.

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