Semaglutide, Kardashians, and Female Body Image | Summary and Q&A

October 13, 2022
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Semaglutide, Kardashians, and Female Body Image


The content discusses the influence of the Kardashians, including their weight loss methods, plastic surgery, and the negative impact of their body image ideals.

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Key Insights

  • 😂 The Kardashians' weight loss methods and products, such as tummy tea and detox teas, have faced criticism for being potentially ineffective and harmful.
  • 🤳 The unrealistic body image ideals promoted by the Kardashians can negatively impact women's self-esteem and make them feel inadequate.
  • ❓ Personal sovereignty and not being heavily influenced by celebrity culture should be encouraged.
  • 👯 The pursuit of fame for superficial reasons can be detrimental, especially for young people who may idolize celebrities without understanding the reality behind their images.
  • 👪 The Kardashian family's controversies, including leaked sex tapes and their willingness to sell various products, have shaped their public image.
  • 🔉 Society's perception of attractiveness is influenced by media, modeling photos, and societal expectations that are often unattainable for the general population.
  • 🙅‍♀️ Good men generally don't judge women based on physical appearance and are not as critical as women may perceive themselves to be.


The Joe Rogan Experience I was reading something that there's a lot of women who are taking some new there's some like an injection that kills your appetite and they're doing it what is it called I actually know exactly what you're talking about because someone what is it called it mimics how you had like the stomach surgery like in terms of appeti... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the injection that is rumored to suppress appetite and is used by the Kardashians?

The injection is called semi-glutide. It mimics the effects of stomach surgery in terms of curbing appetite. While it is rumored that the Kardashians use it for weight loss, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

Q: Why do people continue to buy into the products and weight loss methods promoted by the Kardashians?

There is a cognitive disconnect between the idealized images on social media and reality. People are influenced by the perception that these products and methods can help them achieve the desired body image, even though it may be unattainable for most.

Q: How do the Kardashians' body image ideals affect women's self-esteem?

The Kardashians' focus on a certain body type, which includes being thin and having curves, can make women feel inadequate if their bodies don't match these ideals. It can contribute to a negative self-image and feelings of worthlessness.

Q: Why are the Kardashians influential despite their controversial practices?

The Kardashians have a large social media following and immense wealth, which gives them influence and a platform to promote their products and lifestyles. However, their influence is often criticized for perpetuating unrealistic standards and profiting from it.

Q: What is the injection that is rumored to suppress appetite and is used by the Kardashians?

The injection is called semi-glutide. It mimics the effects of stomach surgery in terms of curbing appetite. While it is rumored that the Kardashians use it for weight loss, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

More Insights

  • The Kardashians' weight loss methods and products, such as tummy tea and detox teas, have faced criticism for being potentially ineffective and harmful.

  • The unrealistic body image ideals promoted by the Kardashians can negatively impact women's self-esteem and make them feel inadequate.

  • Personal sovereignty and not being heavily influenced by celebrity culture should be encouraged.

  • The pursuit of fame for superficial reasons can be detrimental, especially for young people who may idolize celebrities without understanding the reality behind their images.

  • The Kardashian family's controversies, including leaked sex tapes and their willingness to sell various products, have shaped their public image.

  • Society's perception of attractiveness is influenced by media, modeling photos, and societal expectations that are often unattainable for the general population.

  • Good men generally don't judge women based on physical appearance and are not as critical as women may perceive themselves to be.

  • Women's self-esteem and body image are often negatively affected by societal and cultural pressures, leading to a constant desire to change or improve their bodies.


In this video, the host and guest discuss various topics related to women's weight loss and body image, with a specific focus on the Kardashian family and their influence on society. They delve into the use of a particular injection that curbs appetite, the Kardashians' endorsement of weight loss products, and the damaging effects of comparing oneself to unrealistic social media standards. They also touch upon the notion of personal sovereignty and the responsibility individuals have in not being influenced by materialistic and image-driven celebrities. The conversation explores the impact of these ideals on young people and the need to redefine what constitutes true inspiration and aspiration.

Questions & Answers

Q: What injection are women taking to kill their appetite, and how does it mimic the effects of stomach surgery?

The injection is called semi-glutide, and it works by curbing the appetite, similar to the effects of stomach surgery. The Guest mentioned having heard about this injection from someone else recently.

Q: Is the larger Kardashian sister, Chloe, using this injection to lose weight?

While it was discussed that Chloe Kardashian has undergone a significant weight loss transformation, it is not confirmed whether she is using the appetite-suppressing injection.

Q: What conspiracy theory is associated with Chloe Kardashian?

There is a conspiracy theory suggesting that Chloe Kardashian is O.J. Simpson's daughter. However, this theory remains unsubstantiated and is often dismissed.

Q: How does the Kardashian family's ethos relate to women's body image issues?

The host expresses a dislike for the Kardashian family's image and highlights the problematic aspects of their influence on body image. He mentions that these individuals often sell weight loss products, which can perpetuate body insecurities for women. The guest adds that the family's emphasis on physical appearances may stem from their own dissatisfaction with their bodies.

Q: Why do people strive to attain the unrealistic physical standards displayed by the Kardashians on social media?

The guest acknowledges the cognitive disconnect between the way people really look and the carefully crafted Instagram image. She suggests that people may be drawn to these ideals because they believe they can attain a similar appearance through diet and exercise, even though it may be unattainable for most.

Q: How does the guest view the Kardashian family's marketing tactics?

The guest criticizes the Kardashian family's marketing strategies, particularly their promotion of products such as detox teas and waist trainers. She argues that they are selling products they don't genuinely believe in and that their own unhappiness with their bodies drives these endorsements.

Q: Does the guest believe that taking the appetite-suppressing injection is a worthwhile weight loss strategy?

The guest states that she has not taken the injection herself and initially expressed reservations about it. However, she explains that she asked for weight loss advice because she felt her current approach was not yielding results. Ultimately, she believes that individual body types and genetics play a significant role in weight loss, making it difficult to achieve the same results as individuals who have undergone surgeries or taken such injections.

Q: What is the guest's opinion on the public's continued consumption of the Kardashians' endorsement of weight loss products?

The guest expresses disbelief that people keep buying into the weight loss products endorsed by the Kardashians. She asserts that the Kardashians have a history of selling products they don't genuinely use or believe in, such as detox teas, which are marketed as making people lose weight by inducing diarrhea.

Q: How does the guest view the Kardashian family's impact on women's body image?

The guest argues that as consumers, individuals need to be more discerning and adopt a critical perspective when looking at the Kardashians or similar figures. She believes that these individuals may not be happy with their bodies, despite their curated image, and that people should be aware that they don't have the same resources or access to achieve the same appearance.

Q: Are men attracted to the extremely thin image often portrayed in the media?

The host and guest both agree that the attraction to extremely thin bodies is not primarily driven by men. They attribute this ideal to societal conditioning and the influence of modeling photos that aim to create a hanger-like effect for clothes. They highlight that it has less to do with men's desires and more to do with an ingrained brainwashing effect.


The conversation in this video sheds light on the impact of social media images and unrealistic beauty standards, particularly those set by the Kardashian family. It emphasizes the need for individuals, especially young women, to develop personal sovereignty and not allow themselves to be negatively influenced by materialistic and image-driven celebrities. The discussion highlights the importance of self-esteem and the recognition that most men do not judge or value women based on unrealistic beauty standards. It serves as a reminder for individuals to prioritize their own well-being and mental health rather than seeking validation through unattainable physical perfection.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Some women are taking injections that suppress their appetite, which is similar to the effects of stomach surgery, and the Kardashians are rumored to use it for weight loss.

  • The Kardashian family sells products like tummy tea and detox teas, which have been criticized for being ineffective and potentially harmful.

  • The unrealistic body image ideals promoted by the Kardashians can negatively impact women's self-esteem and make them feel inadequate.

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