What Happens Post-Trump? | Summary and Q&A

January 21, 2021
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What Happens Post-Trump?


Speculation on Trump's potential third party, the need for excitement in politics, and a call for unity post-inauguration.

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Key Insights

  • 🥳 Speculation on Trump potentially starting a third party, the Patriot Party.
  • 🖤 Concern about the lack of excitement and engagement in politics without Trump.
  • 🫥 Calls for unity and addressing deeper societal issues beyond party lines.
  • 🪡 Acknowledgment of the need for a central figure or "foil" in politics for engagement.
  • 👥 Critique of dismissing Trump supporters as a unified group with negative connotations.
  • 🧍 Emphasis on the need for accountability and addressing long-standing societal problems.
  • 🤙 Calls for supporting Biden's administration regardless of political affiliation for the nation's sake.


the jurogan experience um another thing i heard this is really crazy that trump is going to start a third party that he's been talking about start starting a party called the patriot party which is like holy [ __ ] i don't know anything about that again rear view mirror rear view mirror i don't believe he's gonna be in the rear view mirror i just d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the speculation surrounding Trump starting a third party?

There are rumors that Trump may start a party called the Patriot Party for future political involvement, creating uncertainty about his future role.

Q: Why is there concern about the lack of excitement in politics without Trump?

Without Trump's active presence, there is worry that politics may become dull or lack a central figure to provide intrigue and engagement.

Q: What is the call for unity post-inauguration?

Post-inauguration, there is a push for unity, urging people to come together, support Biden, and actively work towards addressing deeper societal issues.


In this video, Joe Rogan discusses the possibility of Trump starting a third party called the Patriot Party. He expresses his belief that Trump's involvement in politics is necessary for excitement and engagement. They also discuss the addiction to drama and the need for responsible discussions and actions. They mention the importance of addressing deeper issues in the country and the danger of dismissing a large portion of the population.

Questions & Answers

Q: Is Trump considering starting a third party called the Patriot Party?

According to what Joe Rogan has heard, Trump is considering starting a new party called the Patriot Party. However, this is just speculation at this point and it is still uncertain whether he will actually go through with it.

Q: Why do people feel that Trump's involvement is necessary for excitement in politics?

Joe Rogan believes that Trump's involvement adds excitement because he is seen as a controversial figure who provides a foil and creates "good vs. bad guy" dynamics. Without Trump, politics might be perceived as boring and lacking in excitement.

Q: What is the worry about things becoming boring without Trump's involvement?

The worry is that without Trump, people might lose interest in politics and become disengaged. Joe Rogan compares it to a long-running show like Ozark, where the new season without Trump's involvement might feel less compelling and exciting.

Q: What are some important and serious things that should be discussed instead of focusing on Trump?

There are many important issues that should be discussed, such as holding leaders accountable, working towards a better government, and addressing systemic problems in the country. These topics deserve more attention instead of solely focusing on Trump.

Q: Why do people seem addicted to drama and controversy?

According to Joe Rogan, people are addicted to drama because it provides a source of entertainment and engagement. Social media platforms like Twitter amplify this addiction and make it seem like an ultra marathon, with people eagerly awaiting the finish line.

Q: How can people re-channel their energy to fight for the people?

People need to use their energy and passion to fight for important causes, hold leaders accountable, and work towards positive change. Instead of fixating on a single individual like Trump, the focus should be on fighting against those who wield power and addressing deeper problems in society.

Q: Why do some leaders dismiss the 70 plus million people who voted for Trump?

According to Joe Rogan, some leaders in the Democratic party and the media dismiss Trump supporters by associating them with negative stereotypes, such as the KKK. This type of thinking is dangerous and divisive, as it further polarizes the country and fails to understand the reasons behind the massive support for Trump.

Q: What is the danger of dismissing a large portion of the population?

Dismissing a large portion of the population, like the 70 plus million people who voted for Trump, can worsen the existing division in the country. It creates a sense of alienation and disregard for their legitimate concerns and beliefs. This type of thinking leads to further polarization and hinders any chance of finding common ground.

Q: What are the expectations for Joe Biden as the new president?

Joe Biden is expected to deliver and address the issues that the country is facing. He has expressed the goal of serving the American people, whether they voted for him or not. The pressure is on him to be a unifying force and actively reach out to the millions who did not vote for him.

Q: How will Joe Biden be held accountable for his actions?

Joe Biden will be held accountable for his actions by the American people. It will be crucial for him to show through his actions that he genuinely aims to serve all Americans, including those who did not vote for him. People will closely watch his efforts to address the deeper problems that exist in the country.


The discussion highlights the need for responsible discussions and actions, and the importance of addressing deeper issues in the country. It emphasizes that politics should not solely revolve around one individual like Trump, but should focus on the well-being of the American people as a whole. Dismissing a large portion of the population and perpetuating stereotypes only worsens the division in the country and obstructs progress. The pressure is now on Joe Biden to deliver on his promises and actively reach out to those who did not support him.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Speculation on Trump starting a Patriot Party for future involvement in politics.

  • Concern over the lack of excitement in politics without Trump's presence.

  • Calls for unity and addressing deeper issues post-inauguration.

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