Joe Rogan Experience #1391- Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink | Summary and Q&A

November 26, 2019
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Joe Rogan Experience #1391- Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink


Tulsi Gabbard advocates for diplomacy over war to achieve peace and national security.

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Key Insights

  • 🇰🇵 Tulsi Gabbard emphasizes diplomatic solutions and peace efforts over war, especially in conflicts like Syria and North Korea.
  • 😀 She faces criticism and smear campaigns due to her anti-regime change war stance and her meeting with Assad.
  • 👊 Gabbard navigates challenges and attacks by advocating for truth, consistency, and focusing on the interests of the American people.
  • 💀 The media's role in promoting conflict and war narratives poses a danger, undermining national security and increasing risks.


all right here we go how did this get started how did we decide to do this I was trying to think about that because it's something something you and I started interacting on it was somebody on Twitter somebody I don't know exactly how it started but I saw you replied into a tweet from somebody saying hey great idea why don't why doesn't Jocko and T... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the idea for Tulsi Gabbard's interview with Joe Rogan come about?

The interview idea stemmed from a Twitter interaction where a user suggested Gabbard and Jocko Willink appear on Rogan's show. After some correspondence and the realization of shared viewpoints, the interview materialized.

Q: What challenges does Tulsi Gabbard face due to her stance on foreign policy issues?

Gabbard's views on diplomacy over war and criticism of regime change wars have created backlash within the political establishment and media. She argues for ending wars and focusing on peace efforts.

Q: How has Tulsi Gabbard navigated the attacks and smear campaigns against her?

Gabbard remains steadfast in her commitment to truth, calls out misinformation, and emphasizes the importance of understanding developments over time instead of quick judgments.

Q: Why does Tulsi Gabbard prioritize diplomacy over war in her approach to international conflicts?

Gabbard advocates for diplomacy as war's last resort, highlighting the consequences of regime change wars, such as destabilization and increased threats. She stresses the need for foresight, consistency, and peace efforts.


This conversation between Joe Rogan and Tulsi Gabbard discusses a variety of topics, including how the idea of Gabbard appearing on Rogan's show came about, the challenges of being attacked by the political establishment, the need for reform in the Democratic Party, and the flaws in the current political system and media. They also touch on issues such as border security, immigration, and corruption in Mexico.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the idea of Tulsi Gabbard appearing on Joe Rogan's show come about?

Gabbard explains that she and Rogan started interacting on Twitter, and someone suggested that they go on Rogan's show. They both thought it was a good idea, given their shared veteran status and the potential for interesting conversations. She highlights the importance of reaching voters directly and bypassing mainstream media.

Q: How has Tulsi Gabbard been attacked by the political establishment?

Gabbard acknowledges that her campaign has faced intense opposition from the political establishment, which is the most powerful overall political machine. She believes the attacks are a result of her challenging the status quo and speaking the truth. She also mentions that her campaign does not accept contributions from PACs or lobbyists, which sets her apart from others in Washington.

Q: How does it feel to be attacked and smeared by the political establishment?

Gabbard mentions that she is used to being attacked and doesn't take it personally. She believes that the attacks stem from her unifying message, which brings together people from different political backgrounds. She sees the attacks as a sign that the establishment feels threatened by her campaign and the potential change she represents.

Q: How does Tulsi Gabbard view the current state of the Democratic Party?

Gabbard acknowledges that the Democratic Party faces challenges and needs reform. She wants the party to be more democratic, transparent, and inclusive. She believes in fighting for the people and not being driven solely by partisan interests. Gabbard mentions her decision to endorse Bernie Sanders in 2016 due to his foreign policy views and criticizes the party's lack of focus on important issues during the debates.

Q: How does Tulsi Gabbard respond to accusations of being a Russian asset?

Gabbard strongly rejects the accusations made by Hillary Clinton and others that she is a Russian asset. She views these accusations as baseless and deeply offensive. She believes that such accusations have a chilling effect on freedom of speech and undermine the democratic process. Gabbard highlights the need for honest discussions about foreign policy and peace without resorting to character smears.

Q: Why do the media and political establishment attack Tulsi Gabbard?

Gabbard argues that her campaign threatens the interests of the political and media establishments due to her different views on foreign policy. She points out that the media has a history of pushing for war and regime change, and her non-interventionist approach challenges that narrative. She believes that media attacks are driven by ratings and financial interests.

Q: How does Joe Rogan view the flaws in the political system and media?

Rogan criticizes the current political system for its lack of updates and progress since the internet age. He questions the effectiveness of the debate format and the influence of commercial-driven media. Rogan emphasizes the need for meaningful conversations and solutions, rather than partisan attacks. He highlights the contrast between the Republican Party's acceptance of Donald Trump as president and the Democratic Party's infighting.

Q: How do border security and immigration factor into the discussion?

Rogan and Gabbard discuss the need for secure borders and updated immigration laws. They mention the practical limitations of open borders and the importance of distinguishing between individuals seeking a better life and potential criminals or gang members. They agree that comprehensive immigration reform is necessary and that both sides should aim to find balanced solutions.

Q: Is there a risk of people losing faith in the political system due to ongoing issues?

Gabbard acknowledges that there is a risk of people becoming disillusioned with the political system, as seen in the 2016 elections. She believes there is a need for reform and for leaders to address the concerns and frustrations of the people. Gabbard expresses her commitment to working within the Democratic Party to bring about change and make it more responsive to the needs of the people.

Q: Is Tulsi Gabbard considering running as a third-party candidate?

Gabbard categorically states that she will not run as a third-party candidate. She is focused on running as the Democratic nominee and emphasizes the need for reform within the party. She believes in unifying the party and working for the betterment of the American people, rather than further dividing the country.


This conversation highlights the challenges faced by Tulsi Gabbard's campaign as she takes on the political establishment. It exposes the flaws in the current political system, including the debate format and biased media coverage. Gabbard's emphasis on honest discussions and focus on issues rather than personal attacks is contrasted with the infighting within the Democratic Party and the lack of effective leadership. The discussion also touches on the need for comprehensive immigration reform and highlights the disparity in resources and corruption between Mexico and the United States. Overall, the conversation reveals the importance of meaningful conversations and balanced solutions in addressing the issues facing the nation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tulsi Gabbard discusses the origins of her meeting with Joe Rogan and the Twitter thread that sparked her idea for a podcast interview.

  • The conversation shifts to the challenges she faces due to her stance on issues like foreign policy, regime change wars, her meeting with Assad, and her criticism of Kamala Harris.

  • Gabbard discusses the attacks and smear campaigns directed towards her, her experiences with the media, the importance of truthful narratives, and the need for reform in political leadership.

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