Simone Biles' Withdrawal From the Olympics | Summary and Q&A

July 29, 2021
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Simone Biles' Withdrawal From the Olympics


Simone Biles faced backlash after leaked medical records revealed her use of ADHD medication, which is banned in Japan where the Olympics were held.

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Key Insights

  • 🤕 Simone Biles regularly takes ADHD medication, which is banned in Japan, where the Olympics were held.
  • 😒 Leaked medical records caused controversy and scrutiny regarding Biles' use of ADHD medication.
  • 🚗 Biles addressed the issue publically and emphasized her commitment to clean sport.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ The sudden discontinuation of medication can have significant mental health implications.
  • 😒 Japan has strict rules concerning the use of amphetamines due to historical context.
  • 🫵 Different countries have different cultural views and regulations on medication.
  • 🥺 The leaked records led to discussions about the fairness and potential advantages of ADHD medication in sports.


the jurogan experience um that girl that amazing gymnast who everybody's [ __ ] on biola yeah because she just bailed on the olympics she's like i can't take anymore i was just reading that she regularly takes um adhd medication and they said that she can no longer take it because in japan you can't take this stuff she takes ritalin find out this i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why was Simone Biles facing criticism and scrutiny regarding her ADHD medication?

Biles faced criticism because leaked medical records revealed her use of ADHD medication, which is banned in Japan where the Olympics were held. Some questioned whether the medication provided an unfair advantage.

Q: How long has Simone Biles been taking ADHD medication?

Biles has been taking ADHD medication since she was a child and has always believed in following the rules and maintaining a clean sport environment.

Q: Did Simone Biles speak out about the controversy?

Yes, Biles publicly addressed her ADHD and medication use, stating that clean play is crucial to the sport and important to her. She emphasized her adherence to the rules.

Q: What is the impact of abruptly stopping ADHD medication?

Abruptly stopping ADHD medication can lead to withdrawal symptoms and may cause significant anxiety and mental health problems for individuals who rely on it for stability.


In this video, Joe Rogan discusses the controversy surrounding gymnast Simone Biles and her use of ADHD medication during the Olympics. He explores the potential reasons why this medication is not allowed in Japan and the impact it may have on Biles' mental health and performance. Rogan also speculates on possible motivations behind the leaked medical records and the unfair backlash Biles has received.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why can't Simone Biles take her ADHD medication in Japan?

According to the discussion in the video, it is illegal to take ADHD medication like Ritalin or Adderall in Japan. The only ADHD drug that is legal in Japan is Concerta. While Ritalin may be available to treat sleep disorders, it is not prescribed for ADHD.

Q: How long has Simone Biles been taking ADHD medication?

Simone Biles has been taking medication for ADHD since she was a child. She has expressed her belief in a clean sport and has always followed the rules regarding medication.

Q: Could the discontinuation of ADHD medication contribute to Biles' anxiety and mental health problems?

The sudden discontinuation of ADHD medication that Biles has been taking for at least five years could indeed contribute to her anxiety and mental health issues. Adjusting to life without the medication can be challenging and may lead to withdrawal symptoms and emotional instability.

Q: Is there a possibility that the medication Biles takes enhances her performance?

Rogan speculates that the ADHD medication taken by Biles could potentially enhance her focus and performance. Similar to the scandal surrounding pitchers and the use of Adderall, amphetamines can boost concentration and energy levels.

Q: Is it possible that the leaked medical records were strategically released to smear Biles' reputation?

Rogan suggests that the leaked medical records about Biles' ADHD medication use could be a deliberate attempt to tarnish her reputation. He references the involvement of Russian hackers and compares their online manipulation tactics to those of the Chinese.

Q: Why are people criticizing Biles for her decision to withdraw from the Olympics?

Many people are unfairly criticizing Biles for her decision to withdraw from the Olympics. However, it is important to consider that she may be experiencing severe mental health issues and anxiety. Expecting her to compete while dealing with these challenges is unreasonable.

Q: Is Biles being judged by people who don't understand her situation?

It is likely that people who are criticizing Biles do not fully comprehend the extent of her mental health struggles. Without experiencing the pressure and emotional turmoil she is going through, it is unfair to pass judgment.

Q: How is Biles regarded in the gymnastics community?

Biles is considered the greatest of all time (GOAT) in gymnastics. Her performances are unparalleled, and she has even forced the alteration of rules to downplay her remarkable abilities.

Q: What impact does the Olympics have on athletes who are not mainstream stars?

Rogan reflects on the disparity between the attention and recognition received by mainstream Olympic athletes like Biles and those who compete in lesser-known sports. After winning gold, many athletes are faced with the reality of returning to mundane jobs with no financial security.

Q: Is there a lack of public awareness regarding Biles' situation due to limited coverage?

Rogan addresses the issue of limited coverage and questions why more information about the impact of Biles not taking her ADHD medication in Japan is not widely known. He suggests checking out specific Instagram and Twitter accounts for further details.


The video highlights the controversy surrounding Simone Biles' use of ADHD medication during the Olympics and the challenges she faces with its discontinuation in Japan. It sheds light on the unfair criticism she has received and emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexity of mental health issues faced by athletes. The discussion also questions the motives of those who leaked her medical records and explores the discrepancy in recognition between mainstream and lesser-known Olympic athletes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Simone Biles regularly takes ADHD medication, which is banned in Japan, where the Olympics were held.

  • The leaked medical records caused controversy and scrutiny surrounding Biles' ADHD and the use of medication.

  • Biles addressed the issue publically, emphasizing her adherence to clean sport and following the rules.

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