Chris Williamson on Why There Are Psychopaths | Summary and Q&A

August 2, 2022
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Chris Williamson on Why There Are Psychopaths


Psychopaths, while harmful on an individual level, used to be adaptive in tribal societies for raiding parties.

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Key Insights

  • 🥳 Psychopathy was adaptive in ancient tribal societies like raiding parties.
  • ❓ Mobility in modern society enables psychopaths to hide effectively.
  • ❓ Differences between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism impact behavior and reactions.
  • 😨 Vulnerable narcissists pose a greater danger due to their fear of being exposed.
  • ❓ Understanding the historical context of psychopathy can provide insights into its presence today.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The diagnostic criteria for clinical psychopathy involve criminal acts.
  • ❓ The biological basis of psychopathy may not always manifest in harmful behavior.


the jurgen experience i learned about the adaptive reason for psychopaths being in society so you'd think like it's about one percent nor point one percent to one percent of people are psychopathic right and then you can filter that down to the ones that have got sufficient uh motivation to actually go and do something that's a bit wild but i was a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do psychopaths exist in society?

Psychopaths were adaptive in ancient tribal societies, particularly for raiding parties that required individuals with a lack of empathy and high aggression.

Q: How can psychopaths hide in modern society?

With the ability to move between towns, change identity, and avoid detection, psychopaths can easily blend in and evade punishment.

Q: What distinguishes grandiose and vulnerable narcissists?

Grandiose narcissists believe they are superior without needing validation, while vulnerable narcissists seek approval anxiously and can become aggressive if challenged.

Q: Why are vulnerable narcissists more dangerous?

Vulnerable narcissists can become aggressive when their distorted self-perception is not validated, leading to destructive behavior when their perceived self-worth is threatened.


In this video, the speaker discusses the adaptive reasons for psychopaths existing in society. He explains that while psychopathy may not be good for individuals on an individual level, it can be beneficial in a tribal setting, such as a raiding party. The speaker also touches on the current criteria for diagnosing psychopathy and shares an interesting anecdote about a researcher who discovered that he himself was a psychopath while studying psychopaths.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do psychopaths exist and how are they adaptive?

Psychopaths exist because they can be useful in certain contexts, such as tribal warfare or raiding parties. While psychopathy may not be favorable for individuals on an individual level, it can be advantageous for the tribe as a whole.

Q: How has the ability to move from town to town made it easier for psychopaths to hide in society?

With the mobility afforded by modern society, psychopathic individuals can easily move from place to place, making it more difficult to identify and hold them accountable for their actions. This increased anonymity allows psychopaths to blend in and avoid detection.

Q: What is the current criteria for diagnosing psychopathy?

In the UK, the current diagnostic criteria for psychopathy require a score of 28 out of 40 on the psychopathy checklist, while in the US, a score of 30 out of 40 is necessary for diagnosis. These criteria typically require evidence of criminal acts, making it more challenging to diagnose psychopathy in non-criminal individuals.

Q: How was a psychopathic professor discovered during a study on psychopaths?

While conducting a study on psychopaths, a researcher ran out of people for the control group and had to include himself. During the study, he discovered that a particular area of his brain was downregulated, indicating psychopathy. This led him to realize that he, himself, was a psychopath.

Q: Can psychopathy manifest differently in different individuals?

Yes, psychopathy can manifest differently in different individuals. One distinction is between grandiose narcissists and vulnerable narcissists. Grandiose narcissists genuinely believe they are better than others and constantly seek to prove it, while vulnerable narcissists exhibit similar traits but use narcissism as a shield to hide their deep-seated insecurities.

Q: Why are vulnerable narcissists considered more dangerous?

Vulnerable narcissists are considered more dangerous because they become angry and aggressive when the world does not give them the validation and approval they seek. This taps into their deep-seated fears and insecurities, leading to potentially harmful behaviors.


Psychopathy has adaptive qualities in certain contexts, such as tribal warfare or raiding parties, where the lack of empathy and emotional attachment can be advantageous. However, the ability to move and hide in modern society has made it easier for psychopaths to exist undetected. Diagnosis of psychopathy requires meeting specific criteria, including a history of criminal acts. Furthermore, psychopathy can manifest differently in individuals, with vulnerable narcissists being particularly dangerous due to their deep-rooted insecurities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Psychopathy, despite being seemingly harmful in modern society, was adaptive in tribal societies for raiding parties.

  • A few psychopaths in a population made sense for successful raiding parties in ancient times.

  • Modern society's mobility makes it easier for psychopaths to hide and avoid repercussions.

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