Forrest Galante on the Myth of Giant Anaconda's in the Amazon | Summary and Q&A

January 17, 2023
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Forrest Galante on the Myth of Giant Anaconda's in the Amazon


Exploring the possibility of giant anacondas and other large snakes existing in different parts of the world.

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Key Insights

  • 🇨🇫 Central Africa is believed to lack giant snakes like the anaconda despite having suitable habitat conditions.
  • ⬛ There are rumors and stories of larger snakes, but scientific evidence for their existence is lacking.
  • 🐍 Uncontacted tribes in remote areas may have encountered and preserved knowledge about giant snakes.
  • 🐍 Discovering large snakes would provide a wealth of knowledge, but it may also disrupt local ecosystems and indigenous cultures.


The Joe Rogan Experience I mean I can sort of understand that in a sense of like I'm not an adrenaline junkie like I don't go for skydives or you know any of that stuff it doesn't drive me but that thrill and rush I get of you know darting a bear or working with a lion or doing you know swimming with an anaconda like that fuels me for weeks like I ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is there evidence of giant anacondas existing in the Amazon rainforest?

While there have been rumors and stories about giant anacondas in the Amazon, no scientific proof has been found yet, although it is possible that some large snakes still exist in unexplored areas.

Q: What is the largest snake species known to science?

The reticulated python holds the record for the heaviest snake, while the longest recorded snake is an anaconda measuring 26 feet. However, claims of snakes exceeding these sizes remain unsubstantiated.

Q: Why are there no massive snakes in Central Africa?

Central Africa, despite its wet tropical environment, lacks a large snake species like the anaconda. However, the area remains poorly explored, and it is possible that uncontacted tribes may have encountered giant snakes.

Q: How can the existence of large snakes impact the Western world?

The discovery of large snakes in remote areas could provide valuable insights into different ecosystems. However, it may also disrupt the natural balance and cultural significance associated with these animals.


This video discusses the possibility of the existence of giant snakes, specifically anacondas, in various parts of the world. The guest, a snake expert, talks about his fascination with these creatures and shares stories of reported sightings of enormous snakes. He also discusses the largest known snakes and the speculation surrounding the existence of even bigger ones. The video highlights the mysteries of unexplored areas and the potential for discovering new and large animal species.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of the places where the largest snakes are found?

The largest snakes are found in wet tropical environments, such as the Amazon in South America, Florida, Indonesia, and Central Africa.

Q: Has there been any reported sighting of an enormous snake in Central Africa?

Yes, during World War II, a Colonel and his passengers flying over Central Africa reported seeing a hundred-foot-long snake. They took a photo of it and even claimed that the snake struck at their airplane.

Q: Why haven't any big snakes been found in Central Africa?

Central Africa is a poorly biologically explored area, and most of the time, large animals like snakes are found in very low population densities. Additionally, the specific type of snake in that region, the African rock python, doesn't reach such massive sizes.

Q: Are there any verified images or evidence of giant snakes?

There have been many rumors and claims about 30 to 50-foot-long snakes, but none of them have been fully verified. There is one skin from Indonesia that was thought to belong to a giant snake, but it turned out to be a tall tale. The largest known snake is the reticulated python, with some reaching lengths of around 20 to 22 feet.

Q: Why do people still believe in the existence of giant snakes?

The speaker believes that there may be some undiscovered megafauna and large animal species in remote and uncontacted areas. These creatures could exist in low population densities, which makes it difficult for Western science to fully investigate and study them. The stories and rumors surrounding these creatures get passed on and embellished, further adding to their mystery.

Q: Are there any other animals that might still exist but are considered extinct?

The speaker mentions the example of the giant sloth and the thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger), which were thought to be extinct but still believed to exist in remote and unexplored regions.

Q: How would the discovery of giant snakes or other unexplored creatures impact Western science?

Discovering new and large animal species would undoubtedly be significant for scientific research. However, it can also have negative consequences, as the intrusion of Western science into unexplored areas can disrupt or destroy the habitats of these creatures. It's a delicate balance between knowledge and preserving the unknown.

Q: What is the largest snake species in the world?

The reticulated python is considered the heaviest snake species, while the anacondas are slightly longer, with record lengths of about 26 feet.

Q: Have there been any movies or documentaries made about giant snakes?

Yes, there have been movies and documentaries made about giant snakes, one notable example being the Jennifer Lopez film. While these movies can sometimes be corny, they still play on the allure and legends surrounding giant snakes.

Q: Do you think there are still significant undiscovered animals out there?

The speaker believes that there are still big animals to be found, although maybe not exactly 50-foot snakes. He highlights the existence of uncontacted Amazonian tribes who might have their own tales of encountering massive snakes that the Western world is unaware of. The speaker acknowledges that Western science will only truly uncover the truth once they explore these regions.


The video raises intriguing questions about the existence of giant snakes and other undiscovered creatures. It emphasizes the importance of exploring remote and unexplored areas to uncover new species and advance scientific knowledge. However, it also highlights the need to balance scientific curiosity with the preservation and respect for the habitats of these mysterious creatures.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • There have been reports of giant snakes, including a 100-foot snake, in Central Africa during World War II.

  • Big snakes are found in wet tropical environments with high prey density, except for Central Africa, which remains poorly explored.

  • The biggest snake species known is the reticulated python, with lengths of around 20 feet, but rumors of larger snakes persist.

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