Gen. H.R. McMaster on the USA's Economic Competition with China | Summary and Q&A

January 13, 2022
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Gen. H.R. McMaster on the USA's Economic Competition with China


The supply chain issue, particularly in semiconductor production, poses a major threat to global security and requires strategic multilateral action.

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Key Insights

  • 😥 Semiconductor production vulnerabilities pose a significant threat due to single points of failure and the lengthy development process for fabs.
  • 📌 Investments in semiconductor fabs, such as those in Phoenix and Texas, are essential to diversify production locations and reduce risks.
  • 🌐 Multilateral cooperation is vital to address supply chain vulnerabilities effectively and enhance global security.
  • 🇺🇸 Diversification of production locations, like in Malaysia and the United States, helps build a resilient supply chain against potential disruptions.
  • 🎮 Strategic action is necessary to defend against co-option, coercion, and concealment tactics utilized by the Chinese Communist Party to control the supply chain.
  • 🇨🇳 Understanding and countering China's strategies of military civil fusion, Made in China 2025, and One Belt One Road are crucial for safeguarding against coercive practices.
  • 💍 Transparent competition, rather than confrontation, is advocated as a means to engage with China effectively and uphold competitive advantages.


the jurgen experience and so i think the supply chain issue is is is is a big part of this and the assessment of vulnerabilities and you know we're in a race because it takes you it takes like five six years to develop a fab you know to generate semiconductors there are big investments happening now in in phoenix you know for example phoenix is is ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is the supply chain issue, particularly in semiconductor production, a critical concern?

The supply chain problem in semiconductor production is crucial due to single points of failure, vulnerability to threats, and the long lead time required for fab development, highlighting the need for strategic action.

Q: How are investments in semiconductor fabs essential for mitigating supply chain risks?

Investments in semiconductor fabs, such as those in Phoenix and Texas, aim to diversify production locations, reduce vulnerabilities, and ensure a resilient supply chain against potential disruptions.

Q: Why is multilateral cooperation vital in addressing global supply chain vulnerabilities?

Multilateral cooperation is crucial to address supply chain vulnerabilities effectively as it allows for shared resources, diversified expertise, and coordinated efforts to tackle security threats to the global supply chain.

Q: What role does diversification of production locations play in enhancing global supply chain resilience?

Diversification of production locations in various regions like Malaysia and the United States is key to ensuring supply chain resilience, offering multiple sources to prevent disruptions and mitigate risks.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The supply chain issue, especially in semiconductor production, is a significant concern globally due to vulnerabilities and single points of failure.

  • Investments in semiconductor fabs are crucial, with developments in locations like Phoenix and Texas aiming to mitigate risks.

  • To address supply chain vulnerabilities effectively, diversification of production locations and international cooperation are key.

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