How Don Frye Got Started in the UFC | Summary and Q&A

June 22, 2021
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How Don Frye Got Started in the UFC


Don Frye shares his journey from being a firefighter and horseshoer to becoming a professional fighter in the UFC.

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Key Insights

  • 🤼 Don Frye had a background in wrestling, boxing, and kickboxing before joining the UFC.
  • 💱 He changed his name from Jr. Fry to Don Frye for contractual reasons.
  • 🤲 Don Frye got involved with the UFC through connections in the wrestling and firefighting community.
  • 🧑‍🚒 He started his fighting career in warehouse fighting before the term "MMA" was coined.
  • 🤗 Don Frye wore gloves in his fights to protect his hands.
  • 🧑‍🚒 His fight with Tank Abbott is considered a classic, but often overlooked in the top UFC fights.
  • 🚙 Don Frye's journey showcases the history and evolution of the sport of MMA.


the jurgen experience don how did you when when did you you you started out was like ufc eight was that your first fight noah's first in the ufc yeah boxing and kickboxing before that right no kickboxing i did boxing um i think i had eight fights and um i think i was two and six or two five and one i don't know because i fought my first two is don ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: When did Don Frye start his fighting career?

Don Frye started his fighting career in boxing and kickboxing before transitioning to the UFC. He had around eight fights before joining the UFC.

Q: Why did Don Frye change his name?

Don Frye changed his name from Jr. Fry to Don Frye due to contractual reasons. His former name was his name growing up as a junior, but he changed it for professional purposes.

Q: How did Don Frye get involved with the UFC?

Don Frye got involved with the UFC through connections in the wrestling and firefighting community. His trainer and manager helped him secure fights in the UFC after seeing his potential as a fighter.

Q: When did Don Frye hear about the UFC?

Don Frye heard about the UFC while working as a firefighter in Santa Fe. He saw clips of Dan Severn fighting and reached out to him to see if he could get in on the UFC action.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Don Frye started his fighting career in boxing and kickboxing before transitioning to the UFC.

  • He changed his name from Jr. Fry to Don Frye due to contractual reasons.

  • Frye's introduction to the UFC came through connections in the wrestling and firefighting community.

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