Jon Bernthal Reflects on Interviewing Shia Labeouf | Summary and Q&A

December 28, 2022
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Jon Bernthal Reflects on Interviewing Shia Labeouf


Joe Rogan shares his journey with Shia LaBeouf, highlighting redemption, friendship, and second chances.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Friendship can lead to unexpected connections and understanding, as seen in Joe Rogan's relationship with Shia LaBeouf.
  • ❓ Redemption and second chances are themes that resonate deeply in the exploration of problematic behavior and the potential for growth.
  • 😃 Backlash and criticism are inevitable when navigating controversial topics and individuals, especially in the public eye.
  • ✊ The power of dialogue and empathy can be transformative, both for the individual seeking redemption and those willing to offer support.
  • 💱 Personal growth and change are possible through introspection, accountability, and the guidance of trusted friends like Joe Rogan towards Shia LaBeouf.
  • 🇨🇫 Society's response to problematic figures can be divisive, showcasing the complexities of forgiveness, empathy, and judgment in the public sphere.
  • 💱 A nuanced approach to addressing abusive behavior involves recognizing the potential for change and rehabilitation, alongside accountability and consequences.


The Joe Rogan Experience what kind of blowback oh man you know like uh so much you know you know I think that um you know look when we I had Shia LaBeouf on uh you know um after these allegations uh came out of him and um you know um being physically and emotionally abusive to uh to his to his girlfriend at the time and you know what was crazy was ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Joe Rogan initially resist having actors on his podcast?

Joe Rogan had a personal rule against having actors on his podcast due to the saturation of podcasts featuring actors discussing acting, which he felt was redundant.

Q: What changed Joe Rogan's mind about having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Rogan found a deep connection with LaBeouf after working together on the movie Fury, realizing the actor's dedication and raw talent beyond his initial impression.

Q: How did Joe Rogan react to the allegations of abuse against Shia LaBeouf?

Joe Rogan was deeply distressed upon learning about the allegations, but believed in the concept of redemption and second chances, prompting him to reach out to LaBeouf as a friend.

Q: Why did Joe Rogan receive backlash for featuring Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan faced criticism for giving a platform to LaBeouf following allegations of abuse, as many believed it was inappropriate to provide him with a public platform.


This video clip is from The Joe Rogan Experience, where Joe Rogan discusses the blowback he received after having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast. Despite initial hesitations about interviewing actors, Rogan formed a genuine friendship with LaBeouf while working together on a movie. However, after allegations of abuse against LaBeouf emerged, Rogan faced criticism for giving him a platform. Rogan defends his decision by explaining his intention of being a true friend and offering guidance to LaBeouf in overcoming his struggles.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Joe Rogan decide to have Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan initially had a rule against interviewing actors on his podcast because there are already plenty of podcasts focused on actors. However, after forming a friendship with Shia LaBeouf while working together on a movie, Rogan felt compelled to bring him on the show. Rogan saw LaBeouf as a genuine, talented actor who was willing to go to extremes for his craft.

Q: How did Joe Rogan view Shia LaBeouf's actions during their movie collaboration?

Initially, Joe Rogan perceived Shia LaBeouf's behavior as excessive and attention-seeking. LaBeouf would go to great lengths, such as pulling out his tooth and cutting his face, to fully immerse himself in his character. However, as Rogan got to know him better, he realized that LaBeouf's dedication to his craft came from a genuine desire to create impactful art.

Q: How did Joe Rogan feel about the allegations of abuse against Shia LaBeouf?

When Joe Rogan learned about the allegations of physical and emotional abuse against Shia LaBeouf, he was deeply disappointed and heartbroken. Rogan drew a red line when it comes to violence against women or children, and he couldn't support someone who crossed that line. Despite this, he still wanted to reach out to LaBeouf and offer support and guidance as a friend.

Q: Why did Joe Rogan decide to have a conversation with Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan reached out to Shia LaBeouf after hearing that he was going through personal changes, such as having a baby and getting married. Rogan believed that it was important to have another conversation with LaBeouf, as a friend, to check in on his well-being and discuss his actions. Rogan recognized that being a friend meant holding someone accountable and encouraging personal growth.

Q: Did Joe Rogan regret having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan did not regret having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast, despite the backlash he received. He stood by his decision because he believed in the intentionality behind the interview. Rogan wanted to show LaBeouf what it means to have a real friend and hoped that their conversation could potentially lead to positive change and growth for LaBeouf.

Q: How did Joe Rogan respond to the criticism he received for having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan acknowledged that he faced an enormous amount of backlash and criticism for having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast. Many people were upset that he gave a platform to someone accused of abusive behavior. However, Rogan explained that he weighed the comments from those who criticized him against the positive impact that the interview could have had on others who may be struggling with similar issues.

Q: What did Joe Rogan hope to achieve by having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast?

Joe Rogan's intention in having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast was not to exonerate or save him but to offer support and guidance. He wanted to address the root causes of LaBeouf's actions and encourage him to seek help and change his behavior. Rogan believed that there should be a conversation about helping young men who commit abuse and steering them towards the path of healing and growth.

Q: How did Joe Rogan handle the criticism he received for his decision?

Joe Rogan acknowledged that there were people who believed he was the worst person for having Shia LaBeouf on his podcast. However, he also received messages from individuals who expressed gratitude and claimed that the interview had a positive impact on their lives. Ultimately, Rogan chose to focus on the intentionality behind his decision rather than the opinions of others.

Q: Did Joe Rogan regret airing the interview with Shia LaBeouf?

No, Joe Rogan did not regret airing the interview with Shia LaBeouf. Despite the initial backlash and criticism, Rogan believed that the interview served a purpose. He stood by his decision and the intention behind it, even if it meant facing negative comments from some individuals.

Q: What is Joe Rogan's main takeaway from the experience?

Joe Rogan's main takeaway from the experience was the importance of being a true friend. He recognized that being a friend means not turning your back on someone when they make deplorable choices, but rather showing them the error of their ways and helping them grow. Rogan believed that his intention to be a friend to Shia LaBeouf and offer guidance was more significant than the criticism he received.


Joe Rogan's decision to have Shia LaBeouf on his podcast sparked controversy due to the allegations of abuse against LaBeouf. However, Rogan defended his decision by emphasizing his intention of being a true friend and offering guidance to LaBeouf. Despite the criticism, Rogan believed in the potential positive impact the interview could have had on others struggling with similar issues. Ultimately, Rogan's takeaway from the experience was the importance of being a friend and supporting others in their journey towards growth and redemption.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Joe Rogan initially hesitated to have actors on his podcast, but made an exception for Shia LaBeouf due to their shared experience on the movie Fury.

  • Despite initial impressions, Rogan found LaBeouf to be a dedicated, talented, and troubled individual, leading to a deep friendship.

  • Rogan faced backlash for giving LaBeouf a platform post-allegations of abuse, but believed in redemption and the power of dialogue.

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