Parler Being Shutdown Due to Capitol Storming | Summary and Q&A

January 13, 2021
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Parler Being Shutdown Due to Capitol Storming


Joe Rogan discusses the dangers of accepting authoritarianism and the consequences of silencing online discourse.

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Key Insights

  • 💀 Melissa Channing has a deep understanding of the dangers posed by China and warns about authoritarianism.
  • 😯 Silencing speech to eliminate hate can set a precedent for those in power to censor anything they disagree with.
  • 🥺 The left's ideological wrestling match leads to a narrowing of acceptable viewpoints.
  • 😯 Donald Trump's role in the Capitol riot is debatable, but he bears some responsibility for the mixed signals in his speech.
  • 😯 The consequences of silencing speech can escalate, leading to an unchecked censorship spree.
  • 🙈 The Capitol riot can be seen as an inept coup attempt by individuals who believe in conspiracy theories.
  • 🌗 Stifling online discourse can have long-lasting repercussions for a healthy exchange of ideas.


the jurogan experience people who are from there who come to america who understand the dangers of it it's it's a very eerie warning yeah you know i had melissa channing on my podcast yeah she was described i follow her she's great she's really great yeah and but her worries about china are you know like a lot of people like yeah yeah yeah but like... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does Rogan believe shutting down online discourse is not the solution?

Rogan argues that shutting down discourse sets a dangerous precedent where those in power can eliminate anything they consider wrong or bad, even extending to disagreements within the left.

Q: How does Rogan think the left's ideological wrestling match affects discourse?

Rogan believes that some leftists take out others who are not extreme left-wing enough, resulting in a political struggle for control that stifles varying viewpoints and dialogue.

Q: Does Rogan place the blame solely on Donald Trump for the Capitol riot?

While he acknowledges the mixed signals in Trump's speech, Rogan argues that legally, it is debatable. However, he believes accountability should rest with Trump to some extent.

Q: What does Rogan think about the consequences of silencing speech?

Rogan warns that silencing speech can lead to a dangerous cycle of shutting down more and more content, as seen with the targeting of Andy Ngo's book, without concrete evidence that it incites violence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Melissa Channing understands the dangers of China and warns about the consequences of accepting authoritarianism.

  • Rogan questions the wisdom of shutting down all discourse due to hate speech, emphasizing the need for numbers and percentages.

  • The precedent set by silencing speech can lead to further censorship and ideological clashes within the left.

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