The Story of Children in Zimbabwe Encountering a UFO | Summary and Q&A

December 4, 2020
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The Story of Children in Zimbabwe Encountering a UFO


A filmmaker revisits a compelling UFO landing case in Africa, showcasing eyewitness accounts from school children.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿฅน Eyewitness testimonies from school children in UFO landing cases hold remarkable consistency and emotional impact.
  • โ“ The filmmaker's journey to uncover UFO phenomena showcases the significance of exploring unexplained events.
  • ๐Ÿคจ UFO encounters at schools raise questions about the beings' intentions and their choice of locations.
  • ๐Ÿค— The filmmaker challenges the perception of UFOs as threats and emphasizes the need for open-mindedness in approaching such phenomena.
  • ๐ŸŒ Investigating multiple UFO landing cases worldwide provides a broader perspective on the phenomenon's global occurrence.
  • ๐Ÿ’ผ The presence of photographic evidence and testimonies from credible sources adds credibility to UFO landing cases.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ Collaboration with experts and researchers in the field enhances the depth of investigation into UFO phenomena.


the jurgen experience i was doing my first documentary back in 1997 when i was just naive enough to think i can get an interview with steven spielberg we had a mutual friend involved this woman janet and she gets back to me and she's like yeah so uh spielberg's definitely not gonna meet with you but he knows you're working on this ufo documentary h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What led the filmmaker to revisit the UFO landing case in Africa?

The filmmaker was introduced to the case by a colleague working on a documentary, reigniting his interest and prompting him to explore it further.

Q: What was unique about the UFO landing incident at the school in Zimbabwe?

The incident involved nearly a hundred school children witnessing UFO beings and receiving a telepathic message about technology's impact on Earth, leaving a lasting impact on them.

Q: Why did the filmmaker investigate a similar UFO landing case in Australia?

The filmmaker was led to a case in Australia with 300 witnesses, including a science teacher, and photographic evidence, showcasing the broad scope of UFO phenomena.

Q: How does the filmmaker address the perception of UFOs as a threat?

The filmmaker advocates for viewing UFO encounters positively rather than as threats, highlighting the importance of gathering information and perspectives from the public.


In this video, the speaker discusses his experience working on a documentary about a UFO landing case in Africa. He initially dismissed the story but later revisited it after meeting someone working on a film about the case. He licensed archived footage, tracked down witnesses, and brought them together after 20 years. The speaker describes the powerful and compelling testimonies of the school children who witnessed the UFO landing. He also mentions another landing case in Australia and highlights the importance of not viewing UFOs as a threat.

Questions & Answers

Q: What prompted the speaker to look into the UFO landing case in Africa after initially dismissing it?

The speaker dismissed the UFO landing case in Africa initially because he thought it was unlikely that such a significant event could happen without the whole world knowing about it. However, years later, he met someone working on a film about the case and decided to revisit it. He licensed archival footage and tracked down witnesses to bring them together.

Q: Can you provide more details about the UFO landing case in Africa?

The UFO landing case in Africa occurred in Zimbabwe in 1994 at a school playground. Approximately a hundred children witnessed the event in broad daylight and some even got within arm's length of the beings. The witnesses were brought together after 20 years, and their testimonies formed a powerful segment of the documentary. The case was witnessed by many others in the area for several days before choosing the school to land.

Q: Why did the children's testimonies in the documentary hold credibility?

The children's testimonies in the documentary were considered credible because they were not actors and their accounts were consistent and deeply moving. The way they talked about the event and the drawings they made conveyed the reality and impact of the experience. The speaker's own partner, who was initially skeptical, was convinced of the children's honesty after seeing the archival footage of their interviews.

Q: Can you provide more information about the UFO landing case in Australia mentioned in the video?

The UFO landing case in Australia occurred in 1966 and involved a disc landing outside a playground. Approximately 300 witnesses, including a science teacher, saw the incident. The documentary team traveled to Australia to investigate the case, interviewing eyewitnesses, visiting the landing site, and even finding a photograph of the disc taken two days prior to the incident. The presence of photographic evidence, eyewitness testimonies, and testimony from a teacher adds credibility to this case as well.

Q: Why do UFOs seem to land specifically at schools?

The speaker speculates that schools may be considered benign environments by UFOs. It could be that schools provide a safe and non-threatening space for UFOs to make contact or observations. Additionally, military installations often have a hostile response to UFO intrusions, while schools offer a less threatening environment for interaction.

Q: How does the speaker suggest we should view UFO intrusions?

The speaker suggests that we should not view UFO intrusions as a threat. He mentions that there is a new task force focused on UFOs, and while he respects their work, he believes it is wrong to label all UFOs as threats simply because they are unknown. He emphasizes that the majority of information about UFOs comes from the public, including children, and very little of it is made up. He argues against the idea of labeling all UFOs as threats and urges a more open and nuanced approach.

Q: How does the speaker emphasize the credibility of the witness testimonies?

The speaker highlights the credibility of witness testimonies by mentioning that the French space agency only accepts data that comes through reliable channels. In France, if someone reports something that is found to be untrue, they may be called by the police. This strict process helps ensure the authenticity of UFO sightings and strengthens the credibility of witness testimonies.

Q: Where can viewers watch the full episode of the Joe Rogan Experience?

Viewers can watch the full episode of the Joe Rogan Experience for free on Spotify. They can search for the JRE on the Spotify app to find the episode. Spotify offers the ability to seamlessly switch between video and audio, listen in the background while using other apps, and even download episodes to save on data costs.


The key takeaways from this video are the compelling nature of the UFO landing case at a school in Africa, the credibility of the children's testimonies, and the importance of not viewing UFOs as threats. The speaker emphasizes the significance of the witnesses' accounts and the need to approach UFO sightings with an open mind. This video challenges the common perception of UFOs as mere fiction and encourages a more nuanced understanding of these phenomena.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Filmmaker recounts dismissing a UFO landing case in Africa initially but later delves into it.

  • Interviews witnesses from a 1994 school incident involving telepathic messages from UFO beings.

  • Explores similar landing cases in Australia, highlighting eyewitness testimonies and photographic evidence.

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