WallStreet's Response to Gamestop Frenzy | Summary and Q&A

January 30, 2021
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WallStreet's Response to Gamestop Frenzy


Reddit users inflate GameStop stock prices, causing hedge fund losses and controversy.

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Key Insights

  • 👤 Reddit users coordinated to inflate GameStop stock prices, causing hedge fund losses.
  • 😀 The Robinhood app restricting trading sparked controversy and backlash from users.
  • 🏣 Social media influencers like Elon Musk can influence cryptocurrency markets with their posts.
  • ✊ Traditional investing norms are being challenged by the power of collective online action.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The stock market is based on confidence and can be easily influenced by external factors.
  • ❓ Market manipulation has caused disruption and confusion among investors.
  • ❓ The history of stock market manipulation includes both calculated investors and unpredictable wild traders.


the jurogan experience do we live in a weird time man you paying attention all the stock market [ __ ] with gamestop so i heard i heard a little bit about it what it was we covered we covered it a little bit yesterday my friend sauger and jetty from uh the rising the hill he he covered it and we played some of his [ __ ] what basically is going on ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Reddit users affect GameStop stock prices?

Reddit users coordinated to inflate GameStop stock prices, leading to hedge fund losses and market disruption.

Q: Why did the Robinhood app restrict trading?

The Robinhood app restricted trading to protect hedge funds and prevent further market manipulation by Reddit users.

Q: How did social media influencers impact the cryptocurrency market?

Influencers like Elon Musk influenced the cryptocurrency market by promoting cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin on social media platforms.

Q: What implications does this market manipulation have for traditional investors?

The market manipulation by Reddit users highlights the power of collective online action and challenges traditional investing norms.


The host discusses the recent stock market frenzy involving GameStop and Reddit traders. He explains how these traders have been able to manipulate stock prices and make millions of dollars, causing panic among hedge fund investors. He also mentions the controversy surrounding the trading app Robinhood, which has been accused of protecting the interests of hedge funds instead of individual investors. The conversation then shifts to the surge in the cryptocurrency Dogecoin and the influence of figures like Elon Musk in the market. The host concludes by questioning how these regular people on Reddit can continue to manipulate the stock market and what measures can be taken to stop them.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the basic concept behind the GameStop stock market frenzy?

The basic concept is that Reddit traders, known as redditors, are purposely buying large amounts of GameStop stock to drive up its price and cause hedge fund investors, who had been betting on the stock's decline, to lose billions of dollars almost instantly.

Q: What is the role of the trading app Robinhood in this situation?

Robinhood is an app that allows users to trade stocks. Instead of living up to its name as a platform that supports the interests of ordinary investors, Robinhood has faced criticism for protecting the hedge fund investors by restricting the buying of stocks targeted by redditors. This has caused a great deal of anger and frustration among users.

Q: Why did Google remove negative reviews of the Robinhood app in its app store?

Google removed nearly 100,000 one-star reviews of the Robinhood app in response to a wave of negative reviews from angry users. Many people felt deceived and believed that Robinhood was not acting in their best interests.

Q: Has this kind of manipulation always been happening in the stock market?

Yes, the manipulation of the stock market by hedge funds and Wall Street investors has been going on for a long time. However, what's different now is that regular folks on Reddit have figured out how to do the same thing and are making millions of dollars. This has led to a backlash from those in power who want to maintain the status quo.

Q: How did the situation evolve after the GameStop frenzy?

After the GameStop situation, attention shifted to the crypto market, particularly Dogecoin. Originally a joke, Dogecoin's value skyrocketed, reaching an all-time high of almost 10 cents. Influential figures like Elon Musk and a candidate running for governor of California have been adding to the hype and causing significant price spikes.

Q: What are some comparisons made between Robinhood and other tech giants?

Some people compare Robinhood to Facebook because they both claim to serve their users, but in reality, they collect and sell user data for their own profit. The argument is that Robinhood is pretending to be a customer-oriented service, but in reality, they prioritize their own financial interests.

Q: How are regular people able to manipulate the stock market like this?

The regular people on Reddit are organizing and using their collective buying power to drive up stock prices, causing hedge fund investors to panic and lose money. They have figured out how to exploit weaknesses in the system that have been used by Wall Street for years.

Q: Is it possible to stop this kind of market manipulation by regular people?

It is unclear how this manipulation by redditors can be stopped. The power of organized online communities like Reddit makes it difficult to regulate or control their activities. Additionally, the market itself is based on confidence and subjective evaluation, making it inherently unpredictable.

Q: What are some potential risks or downsides of participating in this kind of trading?

Participating in this kind of trading can be risky, as it is akin to a pump and dump scheme. People need to know when to get in and out of a stock before it crashes. This requires a level of knowledge and risk assessment that not everyone possesses.

Q: Do professional stock market analysts behave differently than the image we might have of them?

The host shares a personal anecdote about a friend who became a stock market trader despite not fitting the stereotype. He describes this person as a wild party animal who found great excitement in trading stocks and making money. This challenges the traditional perception of stock market analysts as more conservative and calculated individuals.


The recent stock market frenzy involving GameStop and Reddit traders has exposed the manipulative nature of the market itself. While hedge funds and Wall Street investors have long been able to exploit the system, regular people on Reddit have now found a way to do the same, causing panic among those in power. The situation is complicated by apps like Robinhood, which have been accused of protecting hedge fund interests instead of individual investors. The rise of cryptocurrency, such as Dogecoin, has added another layer of unpredictability to the market. It remains to be seen how the actions of regular people can be regulated or stopped. Overall, this frenzy highlights the need for greater transparency and fairness in the stock market.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Reddit users inflate GameStop stock, causing hedge fund losses.

  • Robinhood app restricts trading, upsetting users and sparking controversy.

  • Elon Musk and others influence cryptocurrency market with social media.

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