"I had spent years building my personal board of directors, and the time had come to reach out to them for advice on my next career move."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Whether you're early in your career or looking to take your success to the next level, building a network of advisors like this can be a game-changer."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Because having a personal board of directors means having a dedicated group of experts who are all invested in your success and well-being."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"So here’s my advice: forget about traditional networking, and build your personal board of directors instead."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Rather than chasing LinkedIn connections, network with a purpose by building the support system you need to achieve success today, and to continue achieving it far into the future."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"They can see your strengths and are realistic about your areas of improvement."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"It had never occurred to me that I might want to become a CEO, but Dave made me see it as a real possibility."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"So many times in my career, I've found myself at a crossroads, feeling stuck, or in need of advice."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Each time, I’ve turned to my personal board of directors for help, and I’ve never regretted hearing what they’ve had to say. Their insights into everything from compensation negotiation (including exit clauses) to career choices to dreaming bigger have helped me make some of the most pivotal decisions in my career—and your board can offer you the same."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"People you trust: One of the biggest differences between a network and a personal board? The people on your board aren't just acquaintances. They're people who know you well—sometimes even better than you know yourself."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Diversity of perspectives: Just as a company board brings a range of diverse perspectives to the table, your personal board should provide you with a range of opinions and insights."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Brutal honesty and accountability: How many times have you asked for feedback from someone, only to have them say things that prop up your ego, without giving you any actionable advice?"
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"But here's the thing about growth: it requires people who are willing to be brutally honest with you."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"Often, receiving tough feedback is challenging, if not downright scary, and it takes courage to gather a group of people who aren't just willing to provide that, but eager to, in some cases."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"This requires a willingness to accept your imperfections—as well as an understanding that no one on your board will be perfect, either."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"But the real potential of a personal board of directors lies in the fact that the people who form it genuinely care about you."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"What’s most important is that the people on your board know you're a rockstar and have seen you in action. As a result, they know what you're capable of, and they are willing to invest in your success."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"your board of directors should consist of individuals who care deeply about your success."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"you shouldn't just approach someone outright and ask them to join your board."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"The better approach is to look for opportunities to show your skills. If there's someone you admire, who you'd like to have on your board, one approach is to find projects or initiatives that they're passionate about and offer to lend your skills and expertise."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"During his time at Facebook, Lexy noticed an interesting pattern while he was there: those who grew into top executives at the company had surrounded themselves with people who helped them grow."
— Ha Nguyen
Forget Networking and Build Your Personal Board of Directors Instead"These advisors were willing to give them the support they needed to become the best versions of themselves, professionally and personally."
— Ha Nguyen
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