"When you’re in the earliest stages of your business, you need to answer these three big questions about marketing:"
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"How do you identify your target audience? Where can you find them? How do you engage them?"
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"We didn’t have a clear picture of the target customer. Sure, we had an audience in mind, but knew we had to get more specific to determine our marketing channel."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"First, building a business on assumptions is sheer stupidity. And second, our assumptions weren’t specific enough."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"we needed to identify a place of opportunity — an opportunity for us to listen, learn, and give value."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"In order for the platform to be successful, there needed to be give and take. We needed to engage with potential customers, and they needed to be able to engage with us."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"The idea behind content marketing is giving value, ideally for free. That’s what we wanted to do with KISSmetrics. Our tool was designed to provide actionable metrics. Our marketing, then, needed to be valuable for marketers."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"If you want your business to be scalable, your marketing has to be scalable, too. In fact, marketing scalability should be a primary consideration when considering business scalability as a whole."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"It was interactive It was focused on content It was free to join and use It was scalable, and growing at a rapid pace"
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Twitter in 2008 was pretty limited. But something was becoming popular: hashtags. Hashtags were less than a year old by the time we started using Twitter."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"WeFollow was one of the earliest hashtags to gain popularity. We discovered that by using this hashtag, we could easily gain new followers who were marketers."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Sharing other marketers’ content was the perfect way to spread goodwill, promote great content, and build our own Twitter audience. We began tweeting useful marketing and analytics content, and tagging each tweet with measure."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Our Twitter audience grew gradually. Then, it grew rapidly. Eventually, our own site was booming with referral traffic from Twitter."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"1. Identify underused opportunities in the selected platform."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Today, the hashtag strategy alone wouldn’t work to attract customers."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"you need to identify emergent trends within those tactics to engage with your target audience."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Airbnb. They knew that their target audience was searching on Craigslist, so they hacked Craigslist to promote their listings."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Snapchat is another example. They identified their target audience in the high school demographic. They located popular students in high schools, gave them the app, and incentivized the cool kids to share the app with others."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"I recommend finding one method that works, and focusing on a single channel at a time."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"3. Focus only on the users that matter."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"The only followers that matter are those who want to engage with you. Anyone else is a waste of your time."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"4. Dish out massive doses of value. Expect nothing in return."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"Identify your target customer by understanding: 1) what your product does, 2) what problem it solves, and 3) who wants this problem solved."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"To find out where your target audience hangs out: 1) create a master list of potential places, 2) establish criteria for what a solid marketing channel is, and 3) vet your list according to those criteria."
— Hiten Shah
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Created to Grow KISSmetrics"To engage with your customer: 1) identify your method of engagement, 2) expand as far as this method allows, 3) confine your reach only to the target audience, and 4) aim to deliver a high amount of value."
— Hiten Shah
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