Michael Seibel
Michael Seibel is a managing director at Y Combinator and co-founder of two startups – Justin.tv/Twitch and Socialcam. He was born in Brooklyn and graduated from Yale, where he majored in political science and became friends with Justin Kan. After graduation, he worked as finance director for Kweisi Mfume's unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in 2006. He then moved to Silicon Valley to co-found Justin.tv, and became CEO at the company from 2007 to 2011. Seibel is also a board member of Reddit and Dropbox. He is known for promoting diversity efforts among startup founders and has been active in backing African startups.
"Andreessen defines product/market fit: ""The customers are buying the product just as fast as you can make it -- or usage is growing just as fast as you can add more servers. Money from customers is piling up in your company checking account. You're hiring sales and customer support staff as fast as you can."""
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"you have reached product/market fit when you are overwhelmed with usage—usually to the point where you can’t even make major changes to your product because you are swamped just keeping it up and running."
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"What I look for is a frantic founding team trying to deal with ever-growing numbers of happy, loyal, and ideally paying customers. Until then, stay lean, keep burn low, and resemble a Navy SEAL team instead of an Army battalion."
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"The problem, i.e. the market, is the real opportunity."
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"You need to find problems so dire that users are willing try half-baked, v1, imperfect solutions."
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"to find product market fit, choose a market where users have a real, meaningful problem, launch quickly, and listen to your users."
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"Finding product market fit = focusing on the market first"
— Michael Seibel
The Real Product Market Fit: Product Market Fit | Y Combinator"What Makes The Top 10% Of Founders Different? - Michael Seibel"
— Michael Seibel
What Makes The Top 10% Of Founders Different? - Michael SeibelExplore More Quotes 📚
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